Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Vaxphoid Mary


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The girl I was confirmed with in Lutheranism was telling us this past summer that her first grandchild (major medical problems in heart and other issues since born) literally had it's ass burning off from having e coli diarrhea.

This was an issue of daycare, which her daughter manages.

The reason this is appearing here to analyze is Canada has had a major outbreak with secondary infections in daycare (It is spreading) in children.

A kitchen is being blamed and there appears to be no e coli there.

Meet you on the other side.

2 days ago ... There are now 348 lab-confirmed cases of Ecoli in the city following an outbreak at Calgary daycares, Alberta Health Services said in an ...

7 days ago ... In the case of the Alberta cluster, which is already one of the largest Ecoli outbreaks ever reported in Canada, the type hitting kids isn ...

4 days ago ... The Alberta Health Services (AHS) department reported that the closures came after a child tested positive for the outbreak strain of E.

The Lame Cherry looked up when Canada began mass injections of children with COVID vaxes and it was 14 months ago. This appears to be the period of degrading in children. I have no information on the gal I was confirmed with, other than she was vaxed as was her daughter from the start, almost one of the first who was vaxed.

This is a Moderna vax which was provided in Canada. It would seem concentrated in daycare operations. What appears to be happening is the e coli is part of the vax, and it seems that Vaxphoid Marys have been created in some children, and they are spreading this to other children, who are degraded from the vax.


Moderna had applied for the expansion of eligibility for its vaccine in late April.

"After a thorough and independent scientific review of the evidence, Health Canada has determined that the benefits of this vaccine for children between 6 months and 5 years of age outweigh the potential risks," Health Canada said in a statement.

The health authority has recommended that children under 5 be given vaccine doses one quarter the size authorized for people over 12 years of age.

My confirmant's grandchild recovered, after the ass skin pealed off. This kid is a constant history of health related issues. A segment of this is involved in the gut, where this Wuhan flu was harvested from if you remember the health officials were looking in sewage plants for this virus from the very genesis of it.

So the 5 boosters which have been injected are worthless according to the Governor of New York. Now a new vax is being sent out at 200 dollars a shot. It is not being called a booster as people would connect that these boosters mean nothing, but harming people as they do not protect.

It is just showing the correlation between this franken spliced vax material. There is an evolving problem with e coli connected to this. It ends up in diarrhea in the spread of this as children are susceptible to this. This is a new manifestation which is different from the adult problems. This does not mean that adults are not getting the shits and having protein absorption problems (the unvaxed) until this spike protein runs it's two week course.

In personal experience, the recent virus going around, in treatment with tonic water, gin and zinc, cleared up readily in days in this adult.

I would be aware of children and grandchildren being exposed in child concentrated locations. The worst of this seems to be the younger the children are in being pre school.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
