Wednesday, September 20, 2023



Yes Aunt Jemima, we call this vax reparations. It is all Medicare free.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nothing in life is free or lies, even with insurance paying for the neo mRNA vaccines, which are no longer referred to as "boosters" as if that makes all the difference in the definition of all of this spike protein injections taking place, which will soon fill the veins of millions of Darwins again.

Apparently the vets at the pharmacies get paid around 50 bucks a piece for sticking a needle in someone. While that is cheaper than the 300 bucks to see a clinic vet, who gives away free samples of things as they get kickbacks from Big Pharm, there is a big price in this trans mutation business taking place.

After the FDA approved their new mRNA shots, Pfizer set the list price at $120 per dose, while Moderna said their price came out to $129 per dose.

Sure, it’s absolutely insane that people are still getting injected with the mRNA Pharma sauce, but we wanted to know how much they’re being billed to make themselves sick with the hopes to fend off the Wuhan sniffles.

Here’s the numbers that major American pharmacies gave us when we called and asked what the cost of the new vaccine would come out to without insurance.

CVS: $190

Walgreens: $155.99

Publix: $202

Costco: Didn’t have any new shots yet

Walmart: Didn’t have any new shots yet

We will not be taking any vax again. I'm watching an alarming rate of aging, fatness, sickness and death appearing from the previous vaxes and it seems to me that what more harm can be done to people who are on their way out, in taking another vax with more of the same DNA altering stuff in it.

We were talking about this with a person who said they had a discussion with their wife on moral grounds of the vax. His perspective was it used dead baby cells so was not right, but the vaxes that used worms and ape anus germs were ok. His wife was looking for a way to get around the dead baby stuff and still make it  Christian. As I listened to this discussion, my thought was, "OK you are wondering about the making of the vax using fetal tissue as a moral issue, what about the facts that the test groups were showing adverse reactions, which now we now have been magnified by this mass vaxing, just as was predicted in the vax created mutant strains of this same virus which used humans as test tube breeders.

This is mRNA which with that spike protein, which becomes a prion outside of a cell, is the same thing that causes Mad Cow. There is no cure for prion disease and when mRNA alters your DNA, it can never be changed back. This is trans humanism and it is not going well for numbers of people like the cull of my dead brother and other relatives and people I know.

People can and should be concerned about cannibalism and aborticide, but God also made people who are outside the womb who are now mutants, and not in a healthy way. There is a moral issue in this too for two leggers not in the placenta membrane. 

I have posted enough and recently what might work as treatments, as their is not a cure for any of this, by design. The cartel can not make money on cured people as I stated. This is about making money treating people who are perpetually ailing and having operations to remove body parts.
