Monday, September 18, 2023

Yeah but..........yeah butt....the personification pose

Nehemiah Persoff

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was reading that Rainbow Warrior Secretary of State Anthony Blinken released a statement again stating that the United States was going to hang all the Russian leadership in the Kremlin for crimes against humanity, which is a Jew thing in that was the first time that this entered into the global domain in hanging all the Nazis of Germany for war crimes.

Many have stated that Nuremberg was a farce, meaning it had absolutely no legal standing, as the same principle was applied to Japan in which Americans hung Japanese for war crimes. See war is war and as long as you can make it too expensive for the victor to hang your leaders, everyone just kind of let things go.

The English under King George engaged in genocide against Americans in the Ohio Valley. There was just as much war crimes as against the Jews in the holocaust, but nothing was done to the English.
Saddam Hussein got hung for crimes against humanity. The Romanians just killed their leader without trial like the Italians did in World War II. It just makes the war worse and more Americans dead, if you talk about war crimes, as people with power and weapons will continue to fight to save themselves.

Here is Rainbow Blinken's decree, which has absolutely no legal standing and it will only make Russia use nuclear weapons so the Kremlin leaders will not get hung. It is really stupid for the people who are going to die by the millions in being offered up to incineration by Anthony Blinken, because he says that Russia has crimes against humanity..........while America was pumping bioweapons into Ukraine and America had a hand in the last plague.

Here are the American confederates of Kiev in their crimes which are heinous, but Anthony Blinken says nothing about hanging Americans, or himself as this stuff was going on under his command too.

Lets also get the Ukraine crimes recognized...

  • - Biolabs designing anti-slav DNA weapons
  • - Bird flu infected and released avians
  • - Migratory birds carrying weaponised release capsules
  • - Ukrainian Drones releasing nerve gas on soldiers
  • - Burying live combatants for refusing to fight and die in onslaughts
  • - Murdering captured POWs
  • - Organ harvesting units right behind the frontline
  • - Shelling Donbass civilians for 10 years, Killing Nearly 15,000
  • - Human Sex traffiking
  • - Child torture, organ harvesting and Adrenochome production

There is so much evil in Ukraine.

Now here is the thing, I was watching an episode of Gunsmoke, which starred Nehemiah Persoff. If there is one actor that I just hate watching, it is this guy, as he just stands like Black Obama did posing, thinking that is a performance in being Black. Persoff happens to be an Ashkenaz Ju, who tried telling John Wayne how to act in the Comancheros. The Director told him to shut his damn mouth and leave Johne Wayne be a star.

In this Gunsmoke episode, Persoff is this holy roller and his kid goes up stairs to confront some buffalo hunters. Persoff is an educated man, and of course the hunters are not. The kid points a gun at them, and the hunters kind of toss him out the window.
This then sets off Persoff who beats up the drunken buffalo hunter in the street, but not before his shirt is ripped, and you see a brand on his chest which reveals he is Confederate torture and murder aficionado from the Civil War that slaughtered Union Soldiers in prison.

Here is where this gets interesting as Doc Adams goes off on the buffalo hunters for being grubby sub human pigs. Persoff is championed as a learned man and the master race. Adams then goes off on Burke in the saloon, when Burke who served in the Union army of Pennsylvania volunteers as Burke is a sub human too with a peanut brain, compared to the giant mind of Persoff.

This gets rolling in everyone wants to hang Persoff for being involved in crimes against humanity. In the end the man who recognized him, a buffalo hunter gets shot trying to shoot Persoff while in jail. I thought in watching that, "If Persoff was a stand up guy, why did he not tell the hunter to give him one round so he could execute himself, so another human would not have to dirty their hands over his crimes."
That did not happen, instead the buffalo hunter gets killed by Matt Dillon and his black friend gets shot to trying to talk reason.

In the end, President Grant signs a blanket pardon and what Persoff did is not a crime and the nation needs to heal.

I really was puzzled over this as Tel Aviv has made a policy of hunting down people, especially Germans. No healing involved there. America was not interested in healing in executing Germans, Japanese and Iraqi's. Yet Hollywood in the 1970's was having an Ashkenaz Ju perform that it was ok to murder and torture Americans who fought for the Union and slave freedom. Yes Doc Adams chose a butcher who mass murdered people, over Burke who fought to protect the Union.

This was a great deal to take in and I still do not quite get this outlook in Republicans sought for America to heal in 1865 AD in the year of our Lord, but from that point on, we have had nothing but this Anthony Blinken sans Frank Roosevelt unconditional surrender which has cost piles of more American dead as nations fought on, and were rejected even when they made overtures for peace.

Russia has made numerous overtures in just asking America and Kiev to employ the Minsk Agreements which they agreed to. All that is rejected and instead we have this Rainbow Blinken declaring that America must hang the Kremlin leadership as war thee woke American plate from plague to starting this war in Ukraine, never intending to abide by the Minsk Accords is not defined as a crime at all.

I don't want to have to suffer through anymore Nehemiah Persoff pontification poses. I do not want to be nuked because some woke Blinken is after Russian gold and Putin's head. I do not want any more of this bizarre rhetoric which has Gunsmoke condoning mass murder for healing, while for the past 100 plus years, the District of Columbia has been nonstop bombing and executing other peoples, while killing off numbers of Americans in uniform for whatever gold Japan and Germany had, as much as who got the opium money out of Afghanistan.

America endorses crimes against humanity when it serves their financiers. Joe Stalin was more deadly to Jews than Adolf Hitler, and Frank Roosevelt and Harry Truman just adored him. America and the Soviets exterminated 11 million Germans in concentration camps after their victory. It is past time that the rugged individual just speak what needs to be said in THIS IS WRONG. We do not have to condone it with silence. We do not have to march in the streets. We do not have to change this corrupt system and be shot Ashli Babbitt style. When challenged with, "Yeah but what are you going to do about it?" The reply will be, "Nothing, as I will not die for your sins, but by God I will say this is wrong and everyone knows this is wrong".

Nuff Said
