Sunday, October 15, 2023

American Support for Tel Aviv Should be Sending Jews to Fight in this War


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is no need for a US Congress as they no longer function in checks and balances over the executive, so it falls to still small voices, asking the questions of what the hell is the United States sending two aircraft carrier strike groups, two Marine landing forces and the 101st Airborne into the Mideast?

The Lame Cherry has the punchline in this.

US Sending Two Assault Ships With 3000 Marines
To Eastern Mediterranean

US Sends 101st Airborne Division To Jordan…
5 Front Battles Seen For IDF

Have I been mistaken, or has Tel Aviv assassinated JFK to get nuclear weapons, and have nuclear weapons? Tel Aviv is a nuclear power. Tel Aviv blew up the USS Liberty to hide it's cries in the last major war. Tel Aviv has received hundreds of billions of dollars in US handouts. Tel Aviv has been for years running narcotics into the United States. Tel Aviv is currently skimming the US stock market to fund their socialist state, so the question in this is simple, With all of that, what the hell is the United States without any declaration of war from Congress sending in US forces against the US Constitution

Without stirring the pot of semitism intended. Adolf Hitler was a Darwin survivalist. He stated that if Germans could not defeat Russians, then the German people did not belong in Germany as Russia was the master race.

With all of the high tech that Tel Aviv has, nuclear weapons built on the blood of JFK, then a reality does exist, that in scientific terms, the Ashkejews are best sucking nations dry of money and living in metro dictatorships as leeches, as they do not have it in them to be a master race in a genuine fight. In this, Hamas is proving the master race and should be the natural inheritors of Palestine as they breed like rats, only get more numerous in the Tel Aviv concentration camps they are jailed in, and now have been allowed to strike Tel Aviv, for another Tel Aviv intrigue to get the United States to fight a war of extermination.

What then follows in this plan, all the Philistines become refugees in Egypt and are shipped to Ohio to make an armed terror camp there, like Obama's Chinaman and Mexican invaders prowling through America?

The line in the sand has been drawn. Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Hezbollah and Hamas all know this is a war to obliterate their factions for a greater Tel Aviv from the Mediterranean to the Persian Gulf, all with US blood.

That line in the sand is real, because the United States is overflowing with Iranian, Hezbollah and Hamas agents, most willing to bring the slaughter to Americans in this real war.

Again, what the hell is the United States sending troops again into the Mideast for another Goddamn failure based on Tel Aviv manipulative policies.

Hezbollah Says US Is A Full Partner In Israeli
Death And Destruction On The Gaza Strip

US Support For Israel May Set Off Total
Middle East Upheaval - Former US Envoy

There will be excuses in America is there to provide security for American interests and to keep the war from expanding. This war is designed to expand and force Americans into this death trap.

101st Airborne in Jordan? Jordan is full of Philistines. Their Queen is Philistine. Are we going to awaken to a Marine Massacre of the 101st in Jordan as Reagan discovered in Beirut in trying to provide stability for Tel Aviv doctrine?

Today’s Israel and the Jewish enclaves of California, New York and London are morally and ethically defiled wastelands of self-indulgence, petty greed and drug dependency...collapsing under their own moral lethargy and therefore no longer worth defending by Christian goyim. There is no longer a path to moral redemption from vice, only another step into the hellish inferno. It’s happened before, just open the Bible to Jeremiah and Isaiah, the prophets who condemned the Jews for being their own worst enemy, thereby opening the fiery gates to dispossession and enslavement by the likes of the divinely-appointed Nebuchaznezzar, instigator of the Babylonian captivity; Shalmanezer the Fifth, the wolf of Assyria; and Emperor Titus, the liquidator of Jerusalem. Now history repeats, with evermore ferocity. 

Enough American children have had their rights denied  them by their parents being robbed of taxes for Tel Aviv aid.These Christian children have been mocked, and I have personally been mocked by Jews in Texas, along with their mocking tone of those "Baptists" who show up with welcome baskets to the new neighbors. There is absolutely no appreciation for how Americans have been ruined for them.

What is in this Jewish state are not the "Jews" of Jesus time in people of Judah. These are Ashenazim who lived in their own empire in Kiev and converted to Babylonian Jewry.These people have no more to do Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, than Barack Hussein Obama and Oprah Winfrey do. This is not their Homeland, this is not their Promised Land, any more than the Philistine imports who are squatting there.

If these occupants of Tel Aviv can not fight and win a war, then they literally should all go back to the Eurasia they derived from. The butcher of Kiev has slaughtered over 500,000 Slavic Christians in Ukraine. There are over 1.5 million wounded. If these "Jews" can not make it in Tel Aviv, then ship them all back to their nativity in Ukraine and see if they have it in them to fight Russians and win.

George Washington mandated no foreign intrigue and that is what his red herring war is top to bottom.  There is absolutely no interests for the United States in this war. Saudi Arabia is not going to be involved, Jordan, Iraq and all those British sand spits could care less. The world is not going to end if the Muslims take over this area again, no more than it did last time in those horrid crusades which wasted lives and money.

There is only one thing the United States should be doing in support of Tel Aviv, and that is sending these anti gun, pro sodom, leftist Ashkejews who own a great deal of America and occupy the metro dictatorships back to Tel Aviv to fight this war, with their rainbow flags, no guns and all their other anti American ideas. 

This is their war, this is their religion, this is their people. If they do not want to fight, then let the chapter close on Tel Aviv and send all these squatters back to Kiev.

Nuff Said
