Sunday, October 15, 2023

United States Sodom Corp


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti mater.

The Lame Cherry is amazed how the mass triggering of primates to the singular triggering of primates like Deserter Don, is accomplished with radio waves to bring these perverts out from the shadows.

This video was from and says that it is the end of the United States military. No it is the end of what is a civilization in America and across the West.

These are freaks not of nature, but of electronic para reality. Yes it is the end of the US military as a fighting force which is by design, but more importantly, there are just as many eruptions in the teaching world as in the FBI police state world, where people all are now in legalized abnormal misbehavior.

The cartel in all of this knows that these DGENS, or Degenerates are all expendable. They were created for a purpsoe and they can not survive, anymore than an orchid can out of the greenhouse, outside the environs of organized society.

Whether the cartel will expunge normal people with robots after the shake out is complete, is something I do not concern myself with as I'm a Protestant Christian who believes in Jesus return.

The manifestations of DGENS in so many arenas is the evidence of the corrupted mind in mass. That translates that society as a whole is three groups, A C and D.

C group and D group will not long term survival in Darwin natural selection. C will have a greater chance due to their non confrontational nature, but being picked off in zombie settlements is not a future tense in the long run.

There will be a mass culling by forces and the forces of nature as nature abhors things which do not comply with the natural element.

Nuff Said
