As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Quinn from Pracitcal Joker who works at our auto parts store, gave me this online address for old vehicle parts as no one had them. Two Chiefs having been manufactured in 1876 AD in the year of our Lord, for Little Big Horn battling is way past vintage.
OK so today's saga is......the old Indian buck had taken out the gas tank too. I can tell as rubber washer were missing and he put the red and black sending cable hook up on the pick up. Why he did this as they are two different terminals.......I have no idea why.
So we began by taking out the 5 top bolts, carriage flat heads which are supposed to stay in the pick cab. They were rusted and tight, and one I had to put a vice grip on the end to get it started as it was not in good shape. Thank God it came, as I would have had to have ground it off and I did not like the thought of sparks around an old gas tank.
TL took off the bottom two anchor bolts and I unhooked the electrical unit sending lines, the hose clamps and pulled the hose off after loosening with a channel locks pliers.
Took the fuel line loose.
As I could not see anything in the tank, I took the fuel sending unit loose. That looked bad, rusty and missing parts. Glad I did that. Thank God I did that.
I found a bucket to dump the gas I had put into that I had put into the tank. Thankfully it was not full as that would have been heavy. Dumped it and something big came out with a plunk. There were lots of things coming out in black pieces.
Carried it to the air compressor and blew out the copper gasline tube. It seemed to let air through.
Next stop was the water hose as gas is too expensive to waste, so water it was. I stuck the hose in and carefully started running on the bottom of the tank a metal electric fence post. I frowned as I hit dirt, a big sediment layer I could feel, so I started working it, worked to the back, worked some more, decided it was time to flush, so dumped out a morass of mud that some Goddamn Indian put into this fuel tank.
I kept at this, flushing, running the rod on the bottom, for sometime until I actually getting clear water out and the chunks of shit stopped coming out, and the pieces that clunked came out.
Checked one more time and carried the tank to the shop as it is too bright outside to see in the tank.
TL said that for an old Indian pick up tank it looked pretty good. New tanks are like 200 bucks from the truck parts place, so am not thinking that route as the tank has problems, but it is not rusting out in pieces coming out.
The copper tube that feeds the fuel line, gets close to the bottom, is curved to the side, but it does not seem to have anything on it or a filter above. It is soldered to the side of the tank too, I learned from visual inspection.
As there is not any way to use epoxy to seal this tank without sealing the copper tube, this is far as this goes. Probably have to try and run non alcohol or ethanol fuel in this tank just to make sure.
So no one had the sending unit, the rubber gas pipe that attaches the two metal pipes or what I now know is the GROMMET for the fuel tank pipe. That is the rubber thing on all vehicles which holds the fuel pipe, going into the tank to keep things stable when you put fuel in.
I do not think this place has the fuel bowl rubber valve I want. Apparently no one does. At least they have the parts I was looking for.
Now I have to go tell Dude at NAPA that I do not want his generic stuff and I have to go to work on the Super MTA in the PTO shaft seal while I await the parts.
This is more work than I ever wanted or intended on Two Chiefs. It seems I have run into 3 of the shittiest kept pieces of machinery on the planet in that H we got running, that Super M which is running and now Two Chiefs.
At the very least, the fuel system will be clean. The gas I took out did not look that bad with all that shit in there. I will put a fuel filter before the mechanical fuel pump, and that pump has a filter so if anything comes loose, it should at least stop there and now I know where a fuel tank is if that becomes a necessity.
I'm really becoming an expert at all this. Probably could go into restoration work. I regret when all this shit was selling a few years ago for a few hundred bucks, I did not have the money to buy up a few dozen vehicles which I would now be restoring, in one a year, for the price of making an easy living in a heated or cooled garage.
Next up, blowing out the fuel lines to make absolute certain, no shit is in there. I think that thing that went clank and splooshed was the brass float on the fuel sending unit.
So now you know how to clean out a dirt for shit fuel tank. I thank God this is behind the seat and not under the pick up like they are now. Ford had a great idea and should have stuck with it, instead of overthrowing the country for these Goddamn International Socialists.
Nuff Said
Nuff Said