Monday, October 16, 2023

the new definition


So only attractive people survive and we drink chai tea, and are all miserable
because we do not have any ugly people to look down on, because the new definition of pretty
is Big Mike Obama......

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

  started a side business, dump trailer rental, this is the first profits from the first job, also we tithed. On Ford150 go in feet first underneath and that will give better hand room on the starter, your struggle is encouraging, thanks & best wishes 

Thank you and God bless your tithe with more than finances, but His protection in Jesus Name Amen and Amen.

Have a ragweed headache, so this is composed with this in mind.

Am listening to Dick Allgire, and he is  flagging as a hit in what the "big event" is concerning Gaza. He has stated that there are two more events, explosions.

Rense and hisself are focused on the millions of Chinamen in America, and others who are armed and are there to take the nation down.

I still go back to the focus on America. This was not Gaza. With Clif High, they were looking western United States, said something of particle beam weapons. I consider this pollution in the credit over things that are not relevant. 

At end of September I tuned into a trigger event. This involved NITUP,  spell it forwards. This set off an exchange between London and Moscow.
Think of the two carrier groups in dealing with the Black Sea Fleet, indirectly as the shadow, not the primary of Tehran.

Apparently the Lame Cherry has quite a readership, if not donorship, as I checked today and the shugnite spheres we purchased are now out of stock. I had been cuddling with mine before the Allgire appearance, left it on my pillow, it was still very warm to the touch an hour later. That fascinated me. Not even iron holds heat that long.

On next adventures in vehicles, had the alternator rebuilt by the Tractor Whisperer. He is old school in fixing things. I even twisted the bolt off that secures it. He drilled that out and got that out for me. Was most kind.

For others, if the internet lasts, and if it is not snow to the tree tops, the miraculous F 20 Farmall will appear. That needs allot of penetrating oil work.

Two Chiefs is sitting there looking at me. Is wondering if he is going to get side windows. Will probably revisit him so he does not get a snow drift on his seat.

Tomorrow will probably cut a hole in a building to put things in there I need sheltered, headache or not.

Ok I need to do the rounds. May God bless the people who have been thoughtful. The others, you think of yourselves enough so there is no need for God to as there is no room for Him.

the directive said only attractive people survive. they had to lower the standard
to the level of the blind judge and it was not chai tea, it was chi tea in chicago testosterone therapy.

Nuff Said

May 20, 2009 ... Big Mike [feat. Pimp C] - Havin' Thangs Uncut [Explicit] from the album 'Somethin' Serious' (1994) Subscribe to UPROXX Video ...

