Tuesday, October 17, 2023

From the Seed of Holocaust ripens a World Genocide Harvest


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry has no idea what it has in common with leftists in this world as most are like Mark Levin, just promoted by Fox News after he called for Nuclear Genocide of all who oppose Tel Aviv. It is though with agreement that this blog supports Jewish actor, Wallace Shawn in his call for an end to the Tel Aviv military genocide about to be unleashed.

This blog has for years called for the reapportionment of all Mideast nations in moving their borders a few miles in order to all gift a Philistine state in the Sinai, which would be a UN protectorate, and all citizens would be provided 7 years of funds that were formerly billions allocated to wars, so these people could start businesses and make farms in the desert.

That was never to be as this is about war and the profits and control of this coming war.

Wallace Shawn will be silenced as the Spirit of St. Louis was silenced by Frank Roosevelt over the fact that Hitler radicalism would naturally mellow and the world would not have a war in all of it's costs. Lindbergh was right, just as Shawn is right.

Why is Wallace Shawn the voice in the wilderness in this? Where are all the loud mouths who are Christophobes like Rob Reiner? Are the now all in agreement with Mark Levin who put on that disgusting slobber spitting into the mic in wanting Khadaffi dead. Where did that brilliant policy lead, but to more of a shattered world which is what American policy has devolved to.

The Lame Cherry will not wash her hands of this like Pontius Pilate, but remains engaged in stating how evil this is what is being done in Gaza. Jews once sealed the blood of an innocent Jesus to be upon them and their children for that murder. We do not need this current manifestation of babylonian Jewry in these Ashkenaz from Ukraine having blood guiltiness upon them to be answered to by an avenging God.

I know as a Protestant Christian that all of these horrid things must come to be as evil is loose in this world, and it does return Christ in a season, but I will not be silent and be blamed for this holocaust of Philistines any more than the holocaust of the Orthodox Slavs in Ukraine.

The Philistines have every right to self determination that Big Mike's Sugar Dad, George W. Bush gave them and they have every right to emancipate themselves from foreign powers and have the same rights which begin where each of our rights ends.

What is taking place in Gaza will create millions of diaspora terrorists with full access to biological, nuclear and worse weapons for 100 years to come which will destroy the world. That is the seed planted in this, it will not ever bring peace, the seed of Tel Aviv genocide in Gaza will ripen to a world holocaust in  a world which will die from this.

Nuff Said
