Tuesday, October 17, 2023

A Famine of Shungite


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I appreciate AV sharing this and I will be honest if AV had suggested Shungite I would have not believed it as I have over the years tried a number of miracles, some were nothing, others made me sick.

Meet you on the other side.

   I am glad you have discovered shungite. I have it throughout my house and on my cell phones. I was wondering if you utilized crystals or any organic items from Earth. I know this is a little donation this month but I wanted to contribute. Thank you

I'm still studying this element and puzzled by it, as it was not until I got the sphere that I figured out that Carbon 60 which I have a bottle of and did nothing for me, but was said to help others, is the same like material in these fullerenes, or buckeyballs, the pentagon structures which look like a soccerball and are the structure of this universe.

I did wonder what this black stuff was, and now I know. It did not harm me, but I wonder now if this ingestion of the stuff is a physical nature and we being Spiritual the frequency is what mattered in blocking out the dirty electricity.

I'm still studying this Shungite and I think I'm figuring out what it's principles are an that it can not be weaponized. Yes I'm a tactician and in most cases I want to know how to make something lethal, because that is what the other guy is going to do. I do think I know a way of using this stuff, but I need to pan experience it. I told TL that it reminds me of that Star Trek episode when they are inside this space amoeba and it was draining energy from the Enterprise as a dampening field. That is what Shungite is at principle. That is what caught my attention with Clif High and why I tried it as he had a physical meter which was showing that EMF was being reduced in the presence of this stuff. I can tell the difference when we are away from this stuff and I'm really looking forward to carrying it with us on errands, as it has stunned me how much dirty frequencies are out there, even in our remote location. One of my questions is now is just how weaponized are these G towers.
Few of you would know of the study back in the 1970's where Russia was beaming their massive Siberian antennas at the United States in low frequency. It was to influence humans and we were never told why.
I know for a fact in how we have reacted, that the G towers and dirty electricity make you edgy, tired and remind me of what fluoride was supposed to do in being a pacifier to the nation.

For those who think this is all farfetched.........you dumb bastards should wake up, because for 150 years the order in power, jacked up people with coffee and cigs to get them to work like hell and go fight their wars. That was deliberate addiction, just like booze was marketed to bring people down so they were passing out at night and not raping or plotting revolution.

I know satan has been most focused in wanting us to get rid of this substance. That creatures objective is to torment, retard and have people self destruct. This material hinders that torture in life and interference in praying to God. 

As I mentioned yesterday, I noticed that categories of Shungite have now disappeared, so people read the blog, do not donate, and steal the cure.  Like all things mentioned on this blog, things disappear after appearing here.

I had not had headaches develop in the past weeks, even in the HAARP weather. I did though have to move some power cable spools I picked up, which were in towering rag weeds and TL got a cough and I got a two day headache which is now disapating. Before they were 3 days and allot worse. I can not expect Shyngite to stop a headache when I have ragweed poured up my nose in that volume.

I would though like to get a sphere if they come back in for the shop so I will not suffer the effects out there while I'm dinking around having fun inventing things. I just don't know with the antagonizing of Russia or the coming event effects if the door is closed and this mineral Faraday cage is gone but for those God led to it.

I have to get back to work. Had a fulfilling day in getting things done which pleases me as we are getting close to the point of where at least on projects we should be. Still waiting for rich people to join the one person in the 99 as the Bible says in the 99 with money donating as what is money going to do them any good with them dead. Well at least they will be a good experiment in we will see if the carbon in Shyngite burns at nuclear temperatures as it is like diamonds and people and they both burn.

I guess the Bible saw all of this coming in it predicts, ashes under the soles of the Elect's feet.  Be cool if we if all that Shungite was sitting there surrounded by piles of ashes.

Nuff Said.
