As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
A few days ago, former FBI employee Hal Turner was telling folks not to worry about the nationwide alert that is going to be on our phones, but now the warning is taking a new turn of a greater extermination of the people called Americans.
It is scheduled to take place on October 3 and will see Vladimir Putin’s regime present the West as a nuclear aggressor.
The one-day nuclear attack exercise, which has only ever been done region by region, will include preparation for the destruction of up to 70% of Russian housing stock and life support facilities.It will assume, for the exercise, that martial law has been introduced in Russia and that is has gone through full mobilization.
It seems no small coincidence this is announced to take place just one day BEFORE the US Emergency Alert System (EAS) test, scheduled for October 4.Thanks to a large publicity campaign, almost all Americans are now aware that this EAS Test will hit all cell phones, TV's, and Radios on October 4.
WHAT IF . . .
What if Russia holds its "exercise" and puts a whole slew of its people in shelters and then, waits for the US EAS Test to actually launch a first strike?
Americans, hearing the EAS system tones on October 4, might just think to themselves, "Oh, that's the national test, I don't have to do anything" but in reality, Russian missiles may actually be inbound!
Such a scenario would cause massive additional American casualties in a populace that was primed to ignore the EAS test that day.
Don't matter what shit hits or does not hit the fan, as it will hit it, sooner or later. Nothing changes in this. You get yourself exterminated by the District of Crime the way President Grant and the Indian Ring exterminated General Custer and the 7th and let the Indians get the blame, is the same with DC getting Russians blamed for the extermination of 550,000 Christians by the Kiev Nazi Zellinskyy, same for Frank Roosevelt getting Americans exterminated and blaming the Japs and Krauts. Exterminating American Protestants has been lucrative from the Civil War onward.
I'm wondering about God in what is coming. See in the Thrift these past months, due to an expression of vermin eating, shitting and pissing on my supplies and snacks, God has been catching them vermin for us, but God has been putting in my way a pile of coolers for storing things out of rodent's way.
From every day forward, you pay attention and stay yourself out of the rodent's way.
Nuff Said