Monday, October 2, 2023

High & Allgire


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As I type this, I have a really bad HAARP headache and am stick to my stomach from the pain, but I can lay around being sick or work and be sick, so here goes.

I had to travel a bit to watch Clif High and Richard Allgire's post about their combined viewing of The Event which is supposed to take place in 90 days. I really do not know where to begin as this is all the danger zone and I'm in jeopardy. I do know that Clif High is incorrect in his theory on time lines. He is correct as I have stated that there are not alternative times or universe, but there is a time line out there like a river bed that projects beyond even big events.

What Mr. Allgire and Mr. High suffer from is flat brain genius. They have the same scope of limitations by their prejudices of experience and we are moving beyond that vista soon enough.

Mr. Allgire displayed several of the Remote Viewer's work on this subject, and it was nothing about atomic bombs as Jeff Rense was talking about. There is a puzzling beginning as they are talking about direct energy weapons in Denver per se. High spoke of other locations and his thinking they would not take down the internet. Yes "they" would as that is as old as Nazi Germans taking over the radio stations to produce one defined narrative to shape the public's perceptions. No one will ask why their cell phone nipple is operating to receiver emergency information and videos while their internet is down and phone calls are not available. That is a projection.

I will guess I will jump in and start this in the RVer's were seeing some device and it produced an event. It is in the upper right hand corner. I have it circled in red below where I will meet you.

When I saw this, I immediately knew what I was looking at. When Maria Orsic in Germany of the Vrile began channeling information aimed at her in the 1920's, and she took the papers to German engineers, they came up with the above device.  What she was being shown was an anti gravitational device, meant to power a flying disk to the afterlife or new dimension. It is basically a counter rotating electro magnetic device. What the RVers are seeing though in practice is not a motor. This is a weapon as it releases energy. This is an implosive device.
This brings my thought to other Germans, the Bavarian seer who witnessed in vision, two black objects falling from the sky, "detonating" over Jew York City and the buildings imploding in that particular report which is available online. That was a gravity device.
This is not Orsic's white print though. It has been amplified. Probably by an advanced electronic field, a coil of energy which could cause devastation as is drawn.

Meet you on the other side.

It is difficult to follow the events in this presentation as it appears they are melding them. The event which is spoken of first in directed energy weapons, also mentioned an ejecta. The idea that Mr. High presented was this was part of the attack in a plane was spreading a snow or chaff like HAARP, which Mr. High stated in part was to track UFO's by their neutrino emissions.
In looking at this from a military defensive objective, direct energy is energy. Rense was featuring things in Maui which did not incinerate next to melted things. So it is energy like radar. What do aircraft due when tracked by a missile? They eject metal chaff to hide their signature. If there is a weapon someplace and it is energy, it could be deflected by this ejecta or lessened in effect.

People are seeing information on different events and they are confusing them with all the same reality of their prejudice.

Meet you on the other side.

It was of interest to me that the things they were talking about in events were the things I was flash reading from different continents in a series of events.

My instant assessment of this is, that the cartel are going to unleash a Great Deception attack in a Star Child event, and this will be cover for their unity of all order, finances and control, as perhaps the world celebrates Ronald Reagan's musing of the world coming together when attacked.

Mr. High in his algorythmns which have started working after the cartel ruined them in the COVID diversion, and Mr. Allgire is getting the green light on this information coming out when he is warned not to on other things. Their narrative is that "We stop the bad guys" and the world changes. It appears to me another ruse where you are told a lie, let to believe that you are now safe, peace, peace, peace and then the punchline comes when everyone figures out they have been had.
See what I said about popular girl jeopardy and danger.

Mr. High is interesting in he stated his number ranges were like 3.5 to 5.5, with 9 11 being the high range. This stuff though is running at 81, so it is meant to be noticed big time and cause this sensation, as much as the RVers who are all wowed with this information as they try to get people to sign up for their site information, instead of trusting on people donating as here.

Dick Allgire has been pedaling the star child deception for a number of years. The same cartel like the Pentagon employs remote vision and the demon machine. They are like all well aware of the spikes in how to generate them. This is amplified to the extreme and I will repeat that this is why my data was different as I read from  a different card. What is coming are generated events by humans. There are no aliens. There are demons, hybrids, stooges and Christians. What I was getting data on was something else which does not matter, as I had this as a main event, the primer was not spent yet, so this time line is not being available correctly to me. I would see my information as a precursor to stoke this and then this bizarre scenario of what these two readers are talking about follows.

The demon machine has proven it can pollute the information, as Obama at Sandy Hook, blew up the entire river of information so it did not settle out for a very long time. Events would appear and disappear in the undertow of the chaos.

That is what I would assess is going on. The cartel spike this to notice it. It is a blocking vision to a purpose not disclosed.

This all looks to me as coming out of Nimrod and the mystery religion as the source of it all. That anti grav is what has my attention as Maria Orsec was channeled to bring this technology to the physical world and metratron was the initiator of this.

Whatever this is, I'm alerting you to not be the idiot you naturally are, to stop, sit down and not start jabbering about what you think. Examine this from the Bible as the FACT and Jesus as the Truth. I honestly do not know if I will be around if they take the internet down to explain things to you, so most of you are going to be really in non donor isolation.

I though am looking forward to it all as I find this liberating and why I was born to this time.

Nuff Said
