Wednesday, October 18, 2023

In Scorched Earth They Trust


Dust to ashes
Ashes to dust
Those in power
In scorched earth they trust

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the Bible, God teaches that the 13 tribes of Israel were once sojouners and strangers, and that they are to treat foreigners in their midst with the memory of how it feels to be without rights and vulnerable.

Rememberyou yourselves were once foreigners in the land of Egypt. ... “You shall not wrong a sojourner or oppress him, for you were sojourners in the land of ..

The Lame Cherry has alerted all readers, my children and my brats, that what has been staged is going to get done, and if Tel Aviv gets cold feet, there are larger events which will spur on the powers and that means America to get this mass slaughter initiated.

It appears that Tel Aviv is not blinking. It is a like Big Mike's Sex Dad, in George W. Bush, in dragging their feet after 9 11, but the alert that Ashkejews are being evacuated from the Lebanese border, means that the scorched earth of Gaza will take place, and Hezbollah with all their proxy funding and assistance, and that is not just from Iran, but the United States as most of the weapons America gave the Nazi of Kiev have ended up in Hamas, Hezbollah and other interests hands, and that includes American anti ship weapons which can sink US carriers in the Mediterranean as an exclamation point  to get America to fight this war for Tel Aviv, is in the works.

Hamas was allowed to attack the Tel Aviv state. The IDF was ordered to stand down. Nothing moves in Gaza unless Shin Bet or Mosaad knows. This attack was a building block for what is coming, and that building block means Hezbollah which has an immense number of missiles, which will be used as the focus of scorched earth to balance what the IDF is engaged in in the genocide of Gaza of offshore natural gas wells.

I will repeat this so you understand this what I will have told you 3 times now. If this is not carried out as it is, then there will be events in the West, meaning America, to drive this all forward. There is not going to be a stand down in this. This keeps escalating to get what is designed as Moscow is the one calling for peace.

It was expedient for the Sanhedrin to murder Jesus of Nazareth, so that Babylonian Jewry would not be attacked by Rome, which did happen in 70 AD as God avenged that act with the destruction of Jerusalem, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, is what their law demands. It is expedient that our Sister in Philistia dies so that the order will live.

Meet you on the other side.

Israel Could Nuke 15 Iranian Cities With Just 5
Missiles - Death Projections Are Astronomical

Israel Asks US For $10 BILLION Of US
Taxpayer Money For 'Military Aid'

Seymour Hersh On Israeli Plan...
'Gaza City Will No Longer Exist’

Israel Evacuates 70000 Residents And 28
Settlements On The Border With Lebanon

UN Security Council Votes Down Russia Resolution
Calling For Humanitarian Ceasefire In Gaza

Turkey Fiercely Supports Hamas - Sends Ships To
Eastern Mediterranean - Ships At Security Level 3

Hezbollah Snipers Destroy Israeli Surveillance
Cams On Lebanese Border As Tension Soars

Scores Killed In So. Gaza After Another Night Of
Israeli Genocidal Bombing

Over 2,700 Palestinians Killed,10,800 Wounded
By Zionist Aggression Raids Within 9 Days

Israeli Forces 'Undoubtedly' Shot Their Own
Civilians, Kibbutz Survivor Tells Israeli State Radio

Neocn Ben Shapiro Threatens Nuclear War
Unless US Gives Israeli More Money, Weapons

Super Zionist Talk Show Host Mark Levin Urges Israel
To Fire Off ENTIRE Nuclear Arsenal If It Is Threatened
(Jews Should Kill Everyone And ‘Let God Sort Them Out’)

Janet Yellen - America Can 'Absolutely’
Afford Another War

Netanyahu Tells His Forces 'Israel Is With Them' As
The 'Fateful Hour' To Attack Gaza By Land, Sea And
Air Draws Near - UN Warns Of 'Spectre Of Death

Whining US Jews Feeling Isolated Over War

The hand rocking the cradle in this war is the Vatican as it wants Jerusalem in this orgy of death. The entire purpose is to remove all the contenders which are close in Greater Tel Aviv.  This is about those Red Heifers and this blog alone alerted you to the fact that those rabbi's had a time line and they just did not buy 3 year old heifers in not intending to use them for Temple purification. This is about the Vatican synod lined up with Tel Aviv in the old Simone Peres barter which Barry Chamish was talking about decades ago.

Slaughtering Jewish kids is part of this as that IDF has to be reduced and become a pariah and that is what is begun.  Hezbollah is key in this to provide the smoke to hide what is coming and to take this to the next steps as everyone is fixated on the genocide in Gaza. Holocaust is going to happen in Lebanon and in Syria. This is absolute.

Seymour Hersh On Israeli Plan...
'Gaza City Will No Longer Exist’

The last time the world offered up extermination of peoples in World War II, Tel Aviv was birthed. What is being offered up now in holocaust will birth the order out of the chaos. This is for all the prize as they know the time is short.

Tel Aviv has been promised that the United States will attack Hezbollah and Iranian militias when the Gaza phase is unleashed.

Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, made strong commitments to Israel.

Austin wanted to ensure that Israel would not launch a pre-emptive strike against Hezbollah.

So he offered a fair return: an American commitment to put American pilots and planes into the war if Hezbollah attacked first, fully confirming WarNews247.

Also Read: US Goes to War: USAF Ordered to Bomb Hezbollah and Iranian Militias- Israel Hastily Develops 'Iron Beam' Laser System

This adds to the deterrent power of the presence of two aircraft carriers off the coast of Lebanon.

Israel responded to the request.

Blinken and Austin delivered another message to Israel: the US would find it difficult to support a military operation in Gaza that would involve widespread civilian harm and undermine Egyptian sovereignty.

The pro-American Arab regimes must not be weakened, neither in Egypt, nor in Jordan, nor in the United Arab Emirates, nor in Saudi Arabia.

This elevates the United States fleet as a target, along with Western cities.

In conclusion, let us never hear another word about Wounded Knee, from Indians, from liberals, from the world, because that rallying cry is all silent from those who hung America on this policy. Wounded Knee was one tribe, in a terror situation, off the reservation. Gaza is an entire people, at home, being scapegoated for the actions of their militia in Hamas.

The Wounded Knee Massacre, also known as the Battle of Wounded Knee, was the deadliest mass shooting in American history, involving nearly three hundred ...

No more about this Cherokee Trail of Tears nonsense either. No more about Adolf Hitler and 6 million Jews, because everyone knows Gaza is genocide of a people, and only Russia at the UN has called for an end to this, which started with George W Bush, Big Mike's Sugar Pop, who gave Gaza the right to choose leaders and they chose Hamas. Bush fam created this and now Tel Aviv is going to exterminate a people, a people having everything take from them, just like the Jan6 gathering is exterminating a political American idea.

Nuff Said
