Wednesday, October 18, 2023

december viginti unum monitus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If you notice the Gaza operation was timed for the October eclipse in these weeks of unsettled reality in the moon, and planets of Mars, Uranus and Neptune dominating. I'm not someone who advocates astrology, but the cartel does base their operations on the casting of the lots and the stars.

I observe many sources, beyond what I know, to find focal points for future events. One person I have confidence in is David John Oates in reverse speech. It is a fascinating subconscious communication, which sometimes taps into a psychic matrix. As I have stated, there are five different people who are saying the same things, from Catholics of Fatima, DJO, Clif High, Dick Allgire and I forget the other now, but they are all indicating there are events or an event out there in the near term of the clock winding down from 90 to 180 days into next April.

This post is focused on David John Oates, as he believes his work to the point he is bugging out of his home in Adelaide for the north, whether he is as squatter or not, he has been hearing things, and I the reason I'm giving this print is, he started this with an American intel agent who he like all clients has converstations with, then does reversals to see what is being said. This is the first time that December appeared in the reversals. There is a big event in December.

Mr. Oates located another source who touched on December too, and then the thing that clinched this was the Kaganite, Anthony Blinken in reversals. Blinken mentioned December.  Their "god" is this December event as it is something has changed. The Lame Cherry speculates that Ukraine has failed, and what is on this Southern front of Russia in Gaza is now their new death worship. What they are threatening is going to bring their goal.
The thought process of nuclear is an option in this. There are other sources indicating this too. The cartel is going to get what it wants. I have alerted you that this has gone too far, the time is short, and they will escalate this to achieve what they are after.

There are always many things to be achieved, but I think what is the main sprocket in this is gaining control over Jacob's Ladder. They want control of Temple Mount.

Meet you on the other side.

david john oates

hurts december oh bugger (ex-intel guy talking w david oates last week)

anthony blinken

new god it's december

our threat's a goal

on with a plan we're failing

nuke option

The following is a projection which I have mentioned previously. Things have changed in the cartel. There is disrespect. It is like these Kaganites are the Deflowered Children from the counter culture. For immortals in the making they are amoral psychopaths. We have seen their murderous rampages of planet destruction in chemical spills in Ohio, bioweapons in the vax, the murder of thee American Virgin. They are a different order and not like the old order. That is not to say the financiers were any different in the slaughtering and the sheering of the sheeple, but there was a different in they had an interest in the cloth of the land. There was purpose for their rapine. What is taking place now is a blood libel pleasure in the rapine, which is including the slaughtering of Jews as expendable in this Gaza initiation. That is something which is different. The elders have always fought as in Schiff in New York and Rothschild in Europe over Russia. Russians can be slaughtered, but not the pawnbrokers. There is disrespect now to the old established order of the lords and the priests.

We have seen this in Grubber Zellinskyy mouthing off the goy over Kiev. He thought he could barge in on Bibi Netanyahu as the Kiev Nazi thought he had the horse in the race. Tel Aviv told hiim to stay in Kiev. There is a caste in this. There is the old order in Europe, which mingles with the European Masonic knights, and the Vatican, that establishes the order in Tel Aviv, and then the purchased position by New York at the table, and all other Jewry is below that especially the Kiev Nazi.
You must understand and comprehend this. George Soros gets to be a nation rapist for the cartel, but he does not get a seat at the real table. Zellinskyy is not ever going to set at the table as he has blood on his hands, he is a hireling, a common mass assassin. The families control the seats of power in the West, and Tel Aviv is their intelligence and order of knights for battle, the protectors of that throne.

The reason the above is being noted is those who have pushed their way into this table and not showing respect are going to unleash it appears some very vile things. Indications are they are going to be allowed to do this to achieve the outcome, but I think, and I have not inquired on this, get indications that the old order is going to eliminate these usurpers before they are caste down.

I have no proof of this, but there is not any way this order is going to be degraded ever to a subservient station. They will generate an outcome to ascend to that place which was begun at Babel.

What Blinken revealed is confirmation of this set cycle event. This is not acts of God or something relying on fickle humans. This is human originated as part of a plan and it will be carried out in December.

I could inquire, but I am busy without donations in preparation to be able to duck when whatever is generating does not affect me and mine.

To simply remind you, to get what is going to happen to this point. 500,000 Slavic Orthodox have been slaughtered in Ukraine. 50,000 Russian orthodox have been murdered. Nuclear war has been pushe to the brink. America has been overthrown and 1/3rd of the population is being hunted down. The West is being erased and replaced. The important key in this is Jews in the state of Tel Aviv were offered up for this Gaza stepping stone. The elders offered up the Ghetto Ashkejew to birth the Tel Aviv state, so one should pay attention when Ashkejew offerings are in the mix, that something of consequence is in order.

I'm not predicting the december 21 monitus, or warning, but they do observe the stars for the date cast and the dead sun day is a power day the cults worshiped and offered to.

As David John Oates states, he is going to be prepared in he is moving out. If nothing happens, the nothing happens, but if something does happen, he is not going to be caught without any options.

Pray your flight is not in winter, perhaps this is what Jesus was instructing all of us. I do not know as I'm busy dealing with the effects of the non donors.

Nuff Said

