Wednesday, October 11, 2023

of secrets and mysteries, there are none with God

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

My children and my brats, you must tread carefully in what lays ahead, for the Virgin Mary did not appear at Fatima, she is no queen of heaven, so these were demon oracles. That is not to say that the information might be correct, but just because Catholics have some insights, does not mean you become a Catholic, no more than the Jewish scribes have insights, so you do not become a people who rejected Christ. One has put a Pope between you and your God, the other is looking for a Messiah they rejected.

All of this is part of the Great Deception.

The Bible teaches us in the New Testament. There is no Father Catholic, only the Father in Heaven. There is not a Law of washing which saves, only the Blood of Christ.

We have One Father Who is in Heaven, we have One Savior, Who is Christ our Lord.

The Vatican has known what Fatima revealed for decades. They withheld the information. Padre Paul who is on Rense has been in a fury over what the Pater Pope was engaged in and is now volcanic. He is not the lone voice warning of realities. Every Protestant Christian who is Faithful knows what Scripture teaches in Prophecy. We do not need Fatima, we have the Holy Ghost Who Inspired the Prophets, we have the warnings to Daniel by the Archangel Gabriel and we have the Revelation of Jesus the Christ as recorded by St. John. You have the time line before you in short in Matthew 24 and expanded in Revelation. I told you long ago that a time would come when even you would not need me to explain things which were not recorded in the "gap" in time. It appears that we are starting to be shoved over that threshold.

Be of Good Cheer, God is not mocked. He has revealed to His People by the Prophets all which will be, before it happens, for He is our God and we are the people of His pasture and the sheep of His Hand.

I would that you had your original Lutheran Hymnal so you could sing the Te Deum Laudamus, which is one of thee most beautiful songs. It is our Protestant Faithful Confession.

You must restrain yourselves. Stop jumping at information. If this is the time, you will not need to seek what is happening, it will be known by you. We have had sorrows already and have passed. This should be the beginning of the great sorrows and tribulations. For the Faithful though who have shown to God whose they are in this time, God will cover you with the shadow of His wings and those who were placed to be mine, will be covered again for God hides me.

I have great excitement in this. I'm like a race horse in the gates and have been all of my life. I have been waiting for all of this and I'm ready to run the course and be liberated from the chains of waiting. I have prayed to God that we have suffered enough, and that He would provide for us His Peace, so that we would be witnesses to His Great Works in this treading out the grapes of wrath for the vat overflows with the sin and rebellion of the that we may enjoy and marvel at His Reckoning, knowing that we fear God in respect, we have nothing to fear of this world.

I have great joy in my heart. Yes in knowing this most likely has started to the point where all things are uncertain, I have trepidation as all do to new things, as I feel the things out there. For happy is the man whose God is Lord.

You have your Bible. You have the Holy Ghost. You have your Father. You have your Christ. You have the answers there to all doubts and questions. If you have been lax, then you will now have to make up for that in effort.

Nuff Said

Aug 6, 2016 ... ... Lutheran Church after Luther composed it in 1529. Luther based his ... Gregorian chant: Te Deum laudamus (Lyric Video). Adoration of the ...
