Wednesday, October 11, 2023



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Not only is the United State's Air Forces F 35 a costly albatross in not being able to fight, but this gem appeared for the US Navy in their new Ford class carriers.

The retasking of the Ford and reported considerations surrounding the Eisenhower speak to growing concerns about the crisis unfolding in Israel 

For those who missed it, the Ford is next line of aircraft carriers which will be obliterated like dinosaurs in a real war as they are huge slow moving targets. The Ford runs on electricity, instead of steam, meaning it's catapult which launches jets if magnetic. This did not turn out very well in testing, and the Ford was sent on it's maiden voyage to visit ports and show off to European fag navies..........until the Jews allowed Hamas to attack to change the paradigm.

The incompetent Lloyd Austin whose mission has been to obliterate White People from the US military as a threat to America, send the USS Gerald Ford toward the Tel Aviv state to provide cover so Tel Aviv could provide a final solution to the Philistines of Gaza.

This what the leaders of Turkey and Austria said in a joint statement. You never heard that, but the US as in Kiev is involved in genociding certain peoples.

Now for the reality. For the Pentagon to be redeploying the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower to the Mediterranean, means what this blog stated the Ford is not up to the task of running military operation, meaning bombing operations, meaning operations to even keep itself safe with fighter aircraft, led by the F 35 which spends most of it's time in the repair shop, instead of flying.

The Ford was never meant to enter combat. It is incapable of military show of force. It was on this voyage to see if it was not the klunker it is thought to be. The Pentagon is in a panic as it has nothing to respond to if someone decides to start killing more token Americans so America can escalate. It is impossible to escalate with fat, woke, vaxed primates who are on board a ship which can not fulfill the tasks of a carrier strike group. So hence, the Eisenhower is being redeployed from who knows where, probably off Iran, and soon the United States will have two carrier strike groups in this pond for easy destruction, and just remember, the Ford can not defend itself or attack, so the Eisenhower will have to defend itself and the Ford.

Most of the munitions sent to Ukraine was sold to others like Hamas. Ukraine was given Harpoon missiles which will sink US ships.

Jun 15, 2022 ... The Harpoons, earmarked for coastal defense, are coming from the $650 million in Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative included in the package, ...

Ukraine has started receiving Harpoon anti-ship missiles from Denmark and self-propelled howitzers from the United States, Ukrainian Defense Minister ...

The Reuters story tells it all. The USS Ford is incapable of operations and is a sitting duck.

Nuff Said
