Friday, October 20, 2023

Tel Aviv Bombs Christians in Gaza Church

Saint Porphyrius Church in Gaza before Tel Aviv bombed this shrine to the Son of God.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Where the hell is the condemnation from the lock step American Evangelicals who worship Jewry in Tel Aviv deliberately struck the 3rd oldest Protestant Christian Church in the world with 4 of their missiles. This was not an accident. This was deliberate murder of Christians, NOT HAMAS.

There are at least 50 confirmed dead the numbers may reach 150 Christians murdered in Church.

Kiev has murdered 550,000 Orthodox Protestant Christians with American arms. Tel Aviv only has 499,950 to go to catch up. Perhaps it will be in Armenia as Tel Aviv has been arming Muslims there to murder Christians.

This is VILE. This is EVIL.

Christ avenge Himself as there is no human who can stop this. Amen and Amen
