Thursday, October 19, 2023

Broken Wing Eagle


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

We are facing a reality of the cartel operation Broken Eagle, in which the United States is about to have it's wing feathers plucked. What is taking place is reality that the District of Crime can not win a conventional war in supporting Tel Aviv in the Mideast.

We now have a reality that Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Iran and Lebanon are at the line of going to war against the Jews, with the Saudi's giving America no assistance at all. The United States has ruined all moderate Arab support in the Mideast. This is a Muslim against Ziochristian war.

President Vladimir Putin has drawn the line in the sea. He is in China, meeting with the PLA and chose this time to threaten the United States carriers with destruction if America starts bombing Russian allies. The President of Russia made certain he was photographed with the nuclear football, in Russia is going to attack with conventional weapons, and if Russia is attacked, Russia will launch it's nuclear missiles at America.

The headlines below from Rense are the best understanding of the real situation. The game has changed. The United States is no longer going to be able to operate unchallenged. A southern front is not going to be opened against Russia. The cleansing of Christians from Azerbijan is not going to spread. Russia will shut the door. Turkey will follow, along with 3 million volunteers from Iran and the host of the Arabs. It is promise now that nuclear weapons will manifest in this as Pakistan is threatening that Tel Aiv should be nuked.
It was from Dr. Khan of Pakistan that the Saudi's have their nuclear bombs in the advanced cone shape design. Iran has this design, as does North Korea. Understand this in your flat brain minds. The target will not be Tel Aviv. The target by the cartel will be the host which is backing Tel Aviv. The host which is the Kaganite competitors home base. Brake the wings and then the Mideast does not have to suffer from 200 Jericho nuclear missiles incinerating them.

United States carriers are sitting ducks in a closed sea. United States carries can not fight on land. Marines are worthless as is the 101st Airborne in Jordan, because they are landing forces and can not move and project power.

With the US carriers in range, so is every sand pit base in the Mideast and will be obliterated by one Kinzhal missile each. If you recall that skirt featured here staging that the hypersonic Russian missiles were a fiction. That fiction is about to conventionally wipe out District of Crime forward bases and in this America will be forced to retreat to defeat, or escalate with Star Wars which will bring a Russian nuclear response.

Vladimir Putin means to make DC eat crow and be humiliated in being pissed on over this Gaza fiasco as they have done to Russia for almost 2 years.

Russian President Vladimir Putin made a "surprise" intervention warning the US not to expand the war in the Middle East region in an effort to protect Iran and Syria.

B. Putin revealed that he ordered 24-hour patrolling of MiG-31 aircraft carrying the "game changer" unstoppable Mach 10 Kh-47M2 Kinzhal missile.

It is noted that the Kinzhal's primary target is the American aircraft carriers, in this particular case, in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Earlier, B. Putin was spotted walking around with the nuclear "briefcase" in China. State television showed rare footage of him during his visit to Beijing accompanied by navy officers carrying a so-called nuclear code bag that can be used to order a nuclear strike.

The Lame Cherry will end this one final Lame Cherry quote on the other side.

Putin Orders MiG-31s Armed With Kinzhal Mach TEN
Anti-Aircraft Carrier Missiles To Begin Patrolling In The
Northern Mediterranean 24/7 - Putin Accompanied By
Nuclear Launch Code Briefcases In Beijing

US Carriers In The Mideast Are Within MiG31s
With Kinzhal Hypersonics' Striking Distance

House Quickly Passes Bill To Send US Troops
To Fight For Israel - If The US Goes To War,
There Will Be Few Left To Protect The US

Egypt And Jordan Threaten Israel With War
Israeli Officials Talk About Annexation Of Gaza

Biden Gives Netanyahu 'Private Backing’
For Bloody Gaza Ground Invasion

Hersh - Israeli Armed Forces Want To Create
Something Like Hiroshima In Gaza

Rushing Into Catastrophe

Wicked Truth Of The Israeli Gaza Hospital
Massacre And Much More - Rense Video

Rough ’N Tough IDF Homosexuals To Go Face-
To-Face With Fierce Gaza Fighters? Rense Video

Iran Says It Has 3 Million Volunteers Are Ready
To Attack Israel At The First Signal From Iran

Evacuate Lebanon And Northern Israel - And US
Sends Top C4I Command-Control Ship To Med

Israel Has Now Killed More Than 1000 Gaza
Children In A Week - And The World Yawns

Pakistan Calls For Nuclear Attack On Israel

68% Of US Troops Are Obese Or Overweight

SMOKING GUN Video Proof Of Israeli Jet Flaring
When Firing JDAM Massacring The Gaza Hospital

Israeli Desperately Lying About Hospital Catastrophe
Which Could NEVER Be Caused By A Puny Palestinian
Homemade Rocket - (It Was A US JDAM Guided Bomb)

US Will ‘Forever’ Stand With Israel – Biden

Hezbollah Takes Out Israeli Tank At Al-Bayyad
Post With Precision Guided Missile - Video

Star Wars will not save the United States from a nuclear war defeat.

 - Lame Cherry

The Grey Haired West had better be prepared and trusting in Jesus, instead of the sons of men and their war machine.

Nuff Said
