Friday, October 13, 2023

that amerikan regime


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I'm shearing with you again the Holy Ghost led Bible reading which I was provided yesterday. I have been getting a definite revelation on national disasters and in Ezekiel the message is clear. The people who have been stealing your wages from you, have been lying to you about how prosperous things are, and that all of this is going to continue on in gleaning you like grain, are known by God as is the harm they have done in taking this wonderful Western People and enslaved and criminalized them.

If the verses are literal in the next phase of this or the following, those in power who have enforced these horrid conditions of captivity upon all of us, are going to suffer the consequences. In the below, you find House of Israel referenced. That is the Lost 10, and America and England lead those exiled peoples now. There is war coming, invasion and these people who have started all of this are going to be just as when the Assyrians who are modern Germans, wiped out 90% of the Lost 10, and led into captivity the apostate leaders who lived in ivory houses with a chain in their lips and noses.

If you are not one of these pieces of satan, you have no more to fear than Ezekiel or Daniel. God protects those who are right standing with Him, that means you are obeying His Commandments, and are fulfilling the sign that you are Caring about others who are in need, and not leaving them to languish as you have a good life yet.

It sounds a great deal like the war crimes subjected on other conquered peoples, bought with the blood of US and Canadian Soldiers in unconditional surrender is going to be the same humiliation on these people lined up and hung at foreign tribunals.

Ezekiel and the captives by the River Chebar were not harmed by the Assyrians, no more than Daniel and Jeremiah were harmed by the Babylonians. These peoples in Asia know very well that the villagers and farmers in the West are not the threat. They know that those Christians are the ones being hunted down in this gulag.

As a Protestant Christian, you have prepared for earthly matters. You have Jesus the Christ watching over you, so you do not do stupid things to make yourself noticed or make trouble for yourselves. You have nothing to fear. All you have is to respect God and rely only on Him.

Ezekiel the Prophet

Chapter 11

And the LORD said to me, “Son of man, these are the men who plot evil and give wicked counsel in this city. 3They are saying, ‘Is not the time near to build houses? The city is the cooking pot,a and we are the meat.’ 4Therefore prophesy against them; prophesy, O son of man!”

5And the Spirit of the LORD fell upon me and told me to declare that this is what the LORD says: “That is what you are thinking, O house of Israel; and I know the thoughts that arise in your minds. 6You have multiplied those you killed in this city and filled its streets with the dead.

7Therefore this is what the Lord GOD says: The slain you have laid within this city are the meat, and the city is the pot; but I will remove you from it. 8You fear the sword, so I will bring the sword against you, declares the Lord GOD. 9I will bring you out of the city and deliver you into the hands of foreigners, and I will execute judgments against you. 10You will fall by the sword, and I will judge you even to the borders of Israel. Then you will know that I am the LORD.

11The city will not be a pot for you, nor will you be the meat within it. I will judge you even to the borders of Israel. 12Then you will know that I am the LORD. For you have neither followed My statutes nor practiced My ordinances, but you have conformed to the ordinances of the nations around you.”

That is not to say that Jacob's Trouble and the Great Tribulation are not troubled and tribulation, as things did not go on the merry comfortable satan way.  You though are the stuff of people who cut down the Black Forest, you turned prairies into wheat fields, you are a people of Daniel Boone and Elizabeth Custer, they did fine with wood fires and baking their own bread. You will too and you will enjoy the liberty of not being told you are a criminal every day and the responsibility of freedom in making your own decisions for your house.

I do not know all that is coming as I believe God knows I would get involved as I have these Inspired ideas. I do not know if my plans will be secure or like two years ago that satan sent a real tool to disrupt that agenda, but that is now back on track. God though is constant and we are prepared and I'm prepared to see the reckoning of God on evil as a witness, so I have a continued purpose for the Lord.

Nuff Said

