Friday, October 13, 2023

For my children only


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I do not know if this will help people, but I have shared a bit of "this does not make any sense" with those who are close to us, and now I'm posting it to the Lame Cherry family online who have been faithful to me all of these years. The rest of you can bait click something else as this is not for you at all with a curse attached.

I was able to listen to the Clif High and Dick Allgire interaction which I posted, and at the end, Allgire started mentiong this pendant that High had sent him. Curious, I listened, and then wondered about what this pendant was made of that seemed to enhance Allgires abilities, but it kept waking him up as it sat on his nightstand.

High talked about how it dampened Electro Magnetic Frequency from computers and cell phones, in you could measure it. Considering all the infusions bombarding us, I decided to search as to what was going on.

I actually found the site for High's pendant. It said it was in stock, but when I ordered one (they are expensive at like 70 bucks a piece, nothing was said, and then it was said delivery was 3 weeks away, which said to me the people did not have the things, and were ordering them in to fulfill orders. I do not have that kind of money to have tied up if the world is on an end game time line, so I got a refund and looked elsewhere.

Apparently there are frauds in this. One is soapstone. I think the soap rock will work in conjunction with the shungite. That is what this mineral is called. I don't know if it is meteorite or what, but it does conduct electricity. The elite time is 98% pure, which is carbon based. That can not be milled though, so what is out there in milled forms is the 65%. It still costs a bundle, but I opted for the genuine material out of Russia, which was certified and a meter conducted electricity. I did not want some rock from Ebay pulled out of some Chinaman's ass.

I will tell you that I have no affiliation and am not getting anything from this company. They have some affiliation program, but I'm not in it, and I get nothing from this, if you would be interested in this. This is my experience with TL and it has been odd enough that I'm sharing it as it seems to have made a difference.

I ordered for us, two 9 cm spheres as that seemed the best value. The smaller spheres I think are not available as I type this, but the 9 has a 29 feet zone where it absorbs EMF.

So they came, and I opened them and I swear my hands tingled when I touched the first one. They seem to conduct cold and heat from our experience.

When I got the second one out, TL was watching and we both started feeling what TL described as a pulling sensation, like something drawing out of us. TL was from the prayer zone of the heart and mine was from the brain as I tend to will things done from my mind in prayer.

This went on for sometime and we had to do chores at Grandpas, and the feeling stopped when we left. For me the feeling in my head was akin to having hot sun on my head (you know I have sinus problems) on the drive home from town. It tingled and we both felt like we almost had a beer buzz. I also felt a little dizzy.

We returned home and the main pulling sensation was gone. Although sitting in the chair, I could feel where those stone were and the pulling was still in my head. I could turn my head and focus where the objects were. It was interesting in it seemed the feeling was going around a glass window to the porch and not coming through the wall.

I put "mine" on a windowsill in our bedroom and TL's was put on a stand in the living room as I didn't know where to put the things.

First night, I was in the shower, and both our pets started raising hell like someone was here. TL one. I did though get a fright sensation that there was evil out there. TL got the same reaction.

After pondering it, I believe it was something demonic and these sphere's aura is what it ran into. This happened another time and TL heard something outside like something was being moved.

As I type this one pet is telling us they saw something. We have personalized these spheres in cradling them. Mine I talk to God about it and ask His blessing to enhance was is going on.

I told my cousin who is a doctor about this experience, and they said, "Oh I have one under my bed and another on my computer here. I didn't know about the EMF, but I was told it neutralizes dark energy (demons)."

Ok so others were using this stuff and having experiences.

The site says shungite gives a feeling of well being. For us it was like what was pissing us off all the time in things going wrong stopped. Oh I was getting mad by habit, but when it happened, it was like a reaction I would have and I was wondering now why I was angry. I'm unlearning what I have been doing now, as in reference to Jesus being the Peace that passeth understanding, I call my rock, "the understanding that passes peace".

I still have the loads of Spiritual wounds and hurts, and they hurt, and I cringe at things, but this outside influence which I'm certain is all this 5 G, EMF and electricity out there is harming people, and so are these demons, probably amplified off of it.

We have had a few experiences of I was not feeling very well from what was going around, and I held the stone and my stomach ache lessened by 3/4's. TL had that HAARP cough from all that shit in the air and it has lessened when I held the stone in bed.

Positive things as I have prayed that whatever hinders me is wiped out, have begun happening in  things we need done in what is now coming.

I honestly feel a bit antsy in not being around this stone. The house feels like a place I want to get back to. I have never been a teddy bear kind of girl or a blanky, but I do feel drawn and have comfort, solitude from what this sphere is providing. It impressed me enough that as I was not spending the big bucks on a pendant, I ordered a small amount for TL and I to carry as I do not want to go out and get polluted again in errands.

At this point, I do not think it enhances my prayers or abilities, I do not know quite what to make of it, as what it feels more like, I'm for the first time operating in a reality where I'm not being hampered. I think the best analogy is, if you are having sex, and are drunk with a buzz, and getting shocked by an appliance, you really don't feel the sex............this demonic, EMF and whatever has forced me to expend so much energy in just getting the prayer generated, that a great deal of what I was doing was fighting off that, instead of focusing on the prayer.

That is what I think is happening. This rock which conducts electricity, is something that draws in bad energy and neutralizes it out to something not harmful. It is odd having to have struggled constantly against all of this, and to have it not there, so I still by past behavior am generating a push in my chest to ward things off.

I still believe things are there in the demonic and angry. Something tore my jeans in crossing a fence. It is little things but they are happening in what is out there is being frustrated, thank God.

This is expensive, and I do not want to catch hell and be blamed if nothing happens. I know that it seems the first 48 hours are when we felt the most effects. It is not that the rocks have stopped working, it is that what was altering our aura or vibrations have been dealt with and we are now vibrating as we should be.

I reckon that this is what it will be like when the Archangel Michael chains satan and imprisons that harmful force for 1000 years.

I'm unsettled by this as I do not want to be without this neutralizing rock again as it does naturally frighten me to have to be exposed to that again.

I have not used this to purify water. I think the Carbon 60 that is out there is shungite powder too. That did nothing for me that I could tell in bucky balls. This though is different and I do seem to enjoy holding this quite heavy sphere while in bed, so while it is supposed to be 29 feet, contact with it is doing something or I would not be holding it and drawn to hold it.

I will understand more and perhaps post more when the little orbs appear here and I get the opportunity to note any effects. I would have liked to have experienced if a small pendant would do what this 3 inch ball did from the start if size does matter. Others say it does not, but I will know more when I start carrying this little one around.

We shall see and you can do or not do what you want with this information. I was moved to inform you though of my experience as I'm not selling the product and where other things have not had any effect on me, both TL and I have noticed things with this shungite as it most likely is dampening that EMF cloud bombarding all of us.

Nuff Said

