Saturday, October 21, 2023

The Brain Bleed and Heart Stroke


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is fascinated by the ACE 2, Prion and the manifestation of what killed my brother, appeared in two distant relatives of mine, who both suffered a brain bleed stroke, almost a year apart. Both barely survived and were placed into stroke recovery therapy.

Nurse Ann on Rense has noted an uptick in brain bleeds. She also is noting that both heart and brain problems are showing up at the same time in patients.

The source of this is what is fascinating, as it appears what is taking place is plaque build up, at a hyper speed aging in the body. Hardening of the arteries though is not in major arteries of the heart alone, but also in small vessels which are plugging up. The short of this is, if you plug a vein in your brain, the pressure starts building and there is a leak, the pressure builds as a clot forms, and voila, you have a stroke.

This last relatives deserves this vax justice in he is a real asshole, a real predator and fringe on the law. It was an amazing story in he was at home, sitting there, and the stroke hit him. He fortunately hit speed dial and could yet say "Help me", and the person he called actually picked up from a 1000 miles away, and called back to people he knew, and they arrived with the EMT's. He did not know the people, and had suffered a right side paralysis. If no one had picked up, he probably would have died in that chair as with a stroke, a brain bruise occurs and swelling takes place, and this shuts down the heart and lungs due to pressure on the brain stem.

I doubt like hell this person will ever recover and be able to live outside of assisted living again. It would have been better if they went tits up, but as I stated from the beginning, if you have one vessel bleeding, there will be more in the brain. These synthetic clots are there and while anti clot drugs have saved allot of people, that is not the case in what else is lurking inside people.

This clogging of vessels is all through the body. To phrase this, all of your organs needs blood, so bleeders are all through the body, the brain and heart are just showing up primarily as things go bad quickly when these organs have problems. All organs therefore are aging rapidly due to clogged vessels. This is attrition of the entire body.

The vax injured are being treated, and lingering, but numbers are dying and having other problems which are showing up. This is all blood, as it is mRNA cell based.

The flu shots as this blog stated is increasing the "covid". 

Side effects of blood thinners · increased risk of bleeding · increased risk of bleeding significantly from small cuts · skin rashes · hair loss.

Medics are using blood thinners to deal with the clots. The problem with this is though is when the heart pumps blood it is under pressure, and these clogged and weakened vessels, then have thinner blood which will leak out in the brain and cause more strokes, brain impairment and clots.

This is where the boosters and vax will be manifesting for this next period.

Nuff Said
