Friday, October 20, 2023

The Proposition of the Position

Would you be interested in a proposition...........

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Concerning Gaza Holocaust.

Russia can not just posture in this situation, in US resolutions nor flights over the Black Sea which can strike US carriers if they bomb Russian allies.

If Hamas does not get Hezbollah to engage against Tel  Aviv, then Philistines are no longer a people. They are genocided.

If Hezbollah does not engage, then Hezbollah will be the next target for eradication.

If Syria does not join in this, Tel Aviv will be bombing Damascus not just Aleppo. 

If Iran does not join with Hezbollah, Syria and Hamas, they will be the next target after Syria to be wiped out.

If Jordan, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Egypt do not continue united against Tel Aviv in the Gaza genocide, their regimes will be changed by Tel Aviv and the District of Crime as they will have carte blanche, having removed all contenders from Gaza, Lebanon, Syria and Iran.

In analyzing all of this, Russia understand that this is a second front against their nation to end it.

Russia appeared in China with their nuclear football and the threat that they will sink the US combined fleet in the Mediterranean if the District of Criminals attacks Russian allies.

China allowed this Russia statement from it's halls of power in Peking, as China understands that in this domino, if Russia does not act and loses face, the entire BRICS alliance will fold, and with that China will fall in the end, to NATO globalism.

It is therefore the conclusion  that all parties involved desire Russia to become involved in this staged conflict. It is the conclusion of the Lame Cherry that all parties will assist Russia in this to preserve themselves. It is the conclusion that with the crushing of the Mideast with Tel Aviv nuclear domination, that China will die by sea and that Russia will die by land.

It is a logical projection that Russia would involve a proxy to cripple the carrier task forces of Eisenhower and Ford. If Russia would use it's electronics to shut down the carrier groups and 3rd parties using American supplied weapons to Ukraine to sink and cripple these groups, the effective humiliation would shake all DC posture.

It is logical to project that parties in the Mideast throwing around the Tel Aviv magic nuclear weapons,  like Mark Levin of Fox, that there are around 200 million Pan Arabs from Africa to Iran. Even if Tel Aviv launches it's entire 200 missile arsenal, it will not slaughter these nations in the necessity to achieve victory. There are approximately 6 million Jews in the State of Tel Aviv. With their nuclear weapons spent, 100 million Muslims surviving and moving on two legs, even the United States sophisticated weapons could stop what would take place in the Jews would be driven into the sea, as they intended the Philistines of Gaza.

Even with nuclear strikes, Muslims can win this. If this group has a willing Russia, China, Pakistan and North Korea to back them, which it does with nuclear weapons, they will achieve victory with conventional forces.

Do not overlook that Pakistan has nuclear warheads.  They were funded by Saudi Arabia who has nuclear weapons.  This same bomb design was given to Tehran and Pyongyang. In any of these projections, it would behoove a major nuclear stockpile in Pakistan to accidentally appear in Pan Arabia and launch on that small occupied zone of the state of Tel Aviv and end this forever.

All of this is known and is in the works. There are hypersonic trump cards as much as nuclear warhead trump cards which have been moved and will be played.

Nuff Said
