Tuesday, October 10, 2023

The New Lutherans in the End of the Catholic Religion

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

While you are not noticing this anymore than our friend Catholic Gary, the schism of the Catholic religion is rioting in the pews in the zealots who have been resisting Pater Francis from the start in his abomination in the Vatican.

Padre Paul has been one of the most vocal and he should be concerned for the facts are, the Vatican has billions, the Vatican is now wedding to world anti Christ governments, and all of that power and money is at stake, and what is taking place in Ukraine, is what Padre Paul could find in his shorts if the Jesuits decide to silence him.

I understand now who Francis is. He is the Nimrod mystery religion, the masonic order, in his secreted group, who assembled and the last Pater in the German, went into exile deliberately, based upon the Fatima demonic visions of what this end time period would arise. This schism which is breaking out in Catholicism, is what the Jesuits did to the Protestant leaderships across the world, and when they could not do it in Russian Orthodoxy, they created the Kiev holocaust of Christians.

Francis is the force of the false prophet who will use the Vatican to make a religion out of all that has been sown in the fraud of climate change to UFO's for the great deception which will bring about the New World Order or the Beast system of absolute control in buying and selling.

Francis is a pedophile part of this cartel to  bring in the offices of the Vatican for this state religion which their fathers never new. When this is accomplished, the secular cartel leadership which actually rules the police state and military will throw the bit out of their mouths which Francis put into place and turn on the whore (vatican) which rides them, to rule themselves as the use of the Vatican will be over for them.

If this is the time, what is going on with eruptions of Padre Paul is going to be felt by everyone who is bound to resist, like those who were not vaxed, the pure bloods who are not brain and heart damaged by this vax. As there are recorded a huge crowd of martyrs, who will be executed in the Revelation of Jesus the Christ.

This is just the first week diminished. There are more weeks to follow in this lunar eclipse before Halloween when this is released as doctrine which can not be altered and the Catholic religion is finite.

Nuff Said
