Tuesday, October 10, 2023

The Anti Civil War


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In review of the United States, prewar with Europe and after in NATO, the combined intelligence has been flat ass wrong about everything Russian and Chinese.

America missed the Red Chinese counter attack in North Korea

America miscalculated that nuclear missiles in Turkey would bring nuclear missiles to Cuba.

America miscalculated the entire Soviet build up against Nazi Germany.

As examples of America being flat ass wrong with her allies.

So when I read an American expert, named below and this is the person who is advising policy on Russia and China, now and in the next war, I have to believe that the Russians are still stunned at the ignorance and miscalculation in American policy.

Mr. Gregory Weaver is a retired member of the US Senior Executive Service and the Principal of Strategy to Plans, LLC. He served as a Federal Senior Executive on the US Joint Staff in the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, and at United States Strategic Command. In his last government position, he was the principal nuclear, space, cyber, missile defense, and arms control policy, strategy, and plans advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Here are the contemplations of Mr. Gregory Weaver.

In sum, deterring Russian nuclear escalation will still matter after the war in Ukraine ends for four main reasons:

  1. Russia’s leaders have demonstrated a propensity to take risk and miscalculate in doing so.

  2. Those leaders’ experience in Ukraine may have convinced them that NATO is vulnerable to nuclear coercion.

  3. Russia will likely increase its reliance on nuclear weapons due to the performance of its conventional forces in Ukraine.

  4. Russia could be presented with an opportunity to attack NATO if the US becomes engaged in a major conflict with another nuclear peer.

I will first state again, that the cartel is using Ukraine to bait Russia out by mind conditioning the Russians through their successful  actions and the fabrication that the West is out of weapons to entice an attack. The Lame Cherry will refute point by point what this always expert has concluded, and this is part of what Russia is hearing and is concluding what absolute dumb asses are in the West.
If you notice, Russia keeps it's mouth shut as much as China, and NEVER educates the West in where their conclusions are wrong, which is all of the time.

  1. Russian leaders do not take risks. All of their moves are calculated as a chess match with feints and gambits. The Kremlin assessed Ukraine correctly and attacked as was the cartel design. Russia factored in all sanctions, embargoes and the arming of Ukraine in this proxy war by the West. All of these factors, created a Russian military policy which is basic in, pulverizing Ukraine as a threat to Russia.
  2. Ukraine did not convince the Kremlin of anything about Ukraine. Russia knew that NATO would not attack if Russia stayed within Ukraine. Russia knew that fractures would rupture in Ukraine by it's Slavic friends. Russia plays the nuclear card, a bit too often, in order to intimidate Europeans in a growing number to cease support for this proxy war against the Kremlin, and it is gaining ground in Hungary and Slovakia.
  3. Russia's conventional forces in Ukraine have been an absolute success. They have neutralized every Western World War IV weapon system. They have destroyed every NATO strategy. Their conventional forces have shown that their hypersonic weapons are the power of an atomic bomb in a conventional package. Russia only needs nuclear weapons to retaliate in a loss to dirty up the Western nations as a long term penalty for fighting Russia.
  4. Yes Russia could be presented with an enticement if the cartel suckers America into attacking China. Russia is watching the deliberate collapse of the West. Peking also has this real view, and they have no reason to prosecute a war, when rot and woke decay will accomplish for them a dominance without a war.

If Adolf Hitler or Joe Stalin had managed their affairs as certain as the Russian leadership has, Russia never would have gotten involved in World War II and Germany would have won the second world war by landing in England.

This is the problem in all of these future wars in the United States and England have the prejudice to think that they can envision how Russia and China will fight. They never take into account that Moscow and Peking might just fight their own war, and not follow the London DC scripted battles.

The reality is, China could set a standard in the Pacific of attacking the oil fields of the Mideast and not venturing to the ocean. China could make it known that if America repeated what it did in World War II in a sea war, then China would eliminate those islands with nuclear weapons and if America responded, China would hit America.
China has already implanted 51 million Chinese PLA and tens of thousands of young troops into America for a war inside of America. While the Marines and Weaver are looking at the Pacific, China has already invaded America, put in supplies via Cosco containers and the Pentagon's air craft carriers are worthless on American dry land fighting.

For Russia, the same is true. Why should Russia attack NATO when her ally Iran has Muslims all through Europe to start a murderous proxy war. Paris can nor London can bomb their own cities as this as in America is a Anti Civil War which has been generated.

Soviet penetration of the West is historical. The Soviet Union placed nuclear bombs in key locations in Europe and America. The Kremlin was not going to fight a war relying on missiles or anything else. The West was going to be vaporized the first instant of a loss by Moscow by bombs in the western cities.

Pre positioning of weapons, operatives and forces is standard and that is the war which will be fought. NATO is fighting the ass brain war. The Trojan War is what is being planned by Moscow and the Kremlin against the West. NATO can place all the Goddamned suicide F 35 bombers with nukes on the Russian and Chinese borders, but yeild load does not matter to jack or shit, because the reality is, when war comes, the war will erupt not on a front line, but the lines of every European and American metro dictatorship. This is a cancer warfare of the FSB and PLA viral agent is inside the West and will eat from within, not without. The entire computer command and control of civilian and military will be neutralized and then rapid response will be weeks in the making, and by that time the execution of the order of battle will have been engaged.

A dumb fuck can read this movements of this order of battle as the evidence is before us everyday. Russia has already conquered as the Lame Cherry predicted, Hungary and Slovakia for a land bridge to Serbia's fastness stronghold. They have split Europe without a boot on the ground.

They have belligerent Poland now at odds with Ukraine with further isolation of the Baltic bastard states.
They have driven France from Africa and are picking off American assets.

China is preparing for an internal war inside of America with her forces.  It has  secure platforms in Italy as much as most of South America.

The West has been so busy hunting down it's only Protestant Christian fighters over Jan6 and other cartel scams, that it will not have any forces nor support in country for this war. The refrain will be from London to Kansas City, "I don't care what Russia and China are blowing up here, as the MI5 and the FBI have stopped hunting me down".

It is impossible to win a war as Charles DeGaulle noted without the support of the people.

It is evident that in the coming wars, that London, DC, Paris and Ottawa will be dropping more bombs on their own cities than the Russians and Chinese ever will.

This is once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
