Saturday, October 14, 2023

The Philistine Exodus


he whore of babylon has nothing on the prostitute of palestine

Israeli Rabbi To Christians - 'You Shouldn't Be
Worshipping One Jew (Jesus), You Should Be
Worshipping ALL Of Us'

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Thee only thing missing in the Kiev and Tel Aviv holocaust and genocide of Slavs and Philistines are the cattle cars and the crematoria.

IDF Chief Says ‘We Have Abolished All The Rules Of War.
Our Soldiers Will Not Be Held Accountable For ANYTHING'
And ’There Will Be No Military Courts - (Holocaust In Gaza)

Gaza Doctors Issue 'SOS To Whole World’
As US Proposes Evacuation Corridor To Egypt

Palestinian Authority Sounds Alarm Over

Yes, from Kiev the propaganda of ghost pilots and Russian civilian murders, to Tel Aviv in the propaganda of babies being beheaded, the lies are rappant, all to provide cover that the war crimes of Kiev and Tel Aviv will answer to no one now.

Young Woman In Gaza Films Life As Indiscriminate
American Bombs Are Dropped By 'Brave Israeli Pilots’
All Over Her Neighborhood - Must Watch

Israeli Journalist Says He Saw NO Evidence Of ‘Hamas
Beheaded Babies' During Media Tour Of Village - This
Story Is Just Like The Infamous Kuwait ‘Baby Incubator’
HOAX That Led To The Iraq War - Who Owns The Media...

We are not to remember how Kiev and now Tel Aviv are both trying to get America's Pentagon involved for more deaths of Americans. Do not be fooled by the propaganda that "Americans" are dying in Palestine. Those are Obama DUAL CITIZENS, the same leftist trash who overthrow US elections by living on US welfare in the Jewish state while voting in American and Jewish elections both.

Shimatsu - Sodom And Gaza Firestorm
Derives From Sins Of The Israelis

If you can not read the handwriting on the wall, the Biblical writing of Gaza will be a ruin and a heap, there is a reality in this of WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN WHEN MILLIONS OF DISPLACED PHILISTINES ARE DUMPED INTO EGYPT?

The answer is that Egypt will cease being a US ally as it will become Afghanistan and destabilize the entire Pan Islam sphere.  This is deliberate. Deliberate as all of these Obama displacements which started this shit hole in the civilized world.

Does anyone ever think from babies being beheaded, to we were told that the land of the Jews was overrun with terrorists and a major war was taking place............but attractive Jewish girls still had time to go to a rave to be kidnapped by Philistine biker gangs and then complain it took the IDF six hours to arrive.

I mean who in the hell with a mass overrun of an entire country goes to a rave event? Jews do, because what the press was reporting was all a lie. The only ground that the Philistines took was what Mosaad gave them for this situation so that Tel Aviv could drive millions of people into Egypt and burn that nation to the ground in the next few years. Do you realize the billions of dollars from America which America does not have and from Saudi Arabia which this Tel Aviv operation will cause in this mass of people driven into Egypt?

The last time this many people were displaced is when Moses led the 13 tribes out of Egypt. That destroyed Egypt and this time Egypt will be destroyed again.

Mark the Biblical Words of the anti Christ will invade Africa through Libya, into Egypt and then set up his regime outside Jerusalem. What Tel Aviv is engaged in, in this Philistine holocaust will bring this about as the shockwave will shatter all of North Africa.

I can not absorb the evil that all of this is. I will not be a Frank Roosevelt propaganda suckling nursing on all these patriotic lies and all of this Ashkejew victimization. For the billions poured into weapons, all of these Philistines could have had a check written to them for a million dollars and they all could have been put into the Sinai in less of a concentration camp that Tel Aviv has been running.

I pray the Lord Christ comes quickly as it was a holocaust when Hitler drove out the Marxist leftist Jewry, but when Tel Aviv drives out the lefists of Hamas, it is a security operation.

Nuff Said

