Saturday, October 14, 2023

The End Game


'I Come Before You As A Jew’ - US Secy Of State
Antony Blinken Visits Israel, Cites The Holocaust
In Push For War

There Are Extensive Natural Gas Reserves
Off The Gaza Coastline

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Tel Aviv holocaust of Philistines at least is not based in Hitleresque ideas of a master race, but is based on the commerce of natural gas profits sold to Europeans once the Gazans are eliminated

As it is approaching winter I wonder why no one in the District of Criminals or London is concerned about people dying of exposure in being forced out of their homes into the cold. Gaza is not like California, it is a high population concentration metro area. It is like telling people to get out of Queens and all that is left is Yonkers which is already full. At least the Philistines have not taken in millions of Biden border busters like New York has to it's demise.

The Rense headlines below tell the tale of this evolution which the Lame Cherry stated could not be allowed to de escalate. With the Pater Pope eyeing the throne of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv counting the profits of Gaza gas, this has to escalate and escalation means that America and England will be drawn into this and as you can see, Anthony Blinken's partisan Ashkejew warnings to Iran have only inflamed Iran. The Tel Aviv cabal might get their Gaza, but Greater Tel Aviv looks like it might just run smack into Greater Persia as Iran might just annex Iraq. That would be really kosher for America as Tel Aviv would then face nuclear armed Turkey with nuclear armed Iran and American forces sitting ducks in the melted glassy sea.

Just remember to have a European anti Christ false peace, there has to be one hell of a terrifying war as this blog told you a decade ago. Looks like the holocaust of Christian Slavs by Kiev and the holocaust of Philistines in the Holy Land is small potatoes compared to the kind of destruction which is going to be unleashed.

If Iran comes into Iraq, America can not stop them with airpower and does not have the ground forces there. America's Navy and Air Force in Central Command will wear itself out literally as the jets will wear out. That F 35 is an albatross. This is a humiliating disaster in the making where America will be expelled by allies and forced to retreat.

Yes you are looking at Gaza. The Lame Cherry is projecting realities of the military situation, and do not look for Saudi Arabia to invite America in this time.

Israel Orders 1.1 Million Palestinians To Vacate The
Their Homes In Northern Gaza - Where To Go?

Britain Sends Ships And Aircraft To Israel - US Sent
A-10 Squadron - Evacuate Sderot Of Its 30,000
Inhabitants - UAE Warns Syria’s Assad

Iran Responds To Israeli Gaza Slaughter With Tank
Deployment On Iraqi Border - Hezbollah Green Light
To Engage - Hamas Reinforced With 7000 Shiites
Iran’s Ballistic Arsenal Placed On Standby

Russian Analysts - IDF To Suffer Heavy Casualties
In Gaza - Confrontation Designed To Exhaust Israel

Gaza Fears That Israeli Army Is Preparing For Mass
Ethnic Cleansing - A Holocaust Of Palestinians

Israelis Brag They’ve Dropped Over 6,000 Bombs On
Gaza Weighing 4,000 Tons - One Bomb Every 43 Sec

Israel Says No Humanitarian Aid Into Gaza
Until Captives Are Released

Poll - Majority Of Israelis Blame Government
For Hamas Attack - 56% Want Netanyahu Out

'Are You Seriously Asking Me About Palestinian
Civilians?’ Ex-Israeli PM Naftali Bennett Erupts
In Rage During Live Interview


Hamas Was Created By Mossad And CIA To
Counteract Yasser Arafat - Ron Paul Explains

There are hinge factors in this. The Shia will wait until Tel Aviv is bogged down in Gaza. Then Hezbollah will erupt with horrendous fire. Once Lebanon is involved, Syria will retaliate as it can and then Iran moves not directly, but watch if Iraq allies with both Saudi Arabia and Iran which then puts Jordan on the block with it's immense number of Philistines.

The IDF is bragging about all the sorties it has flown. Those sorties are wearing out their F 16 jets fast. Tel Aviv must have airpower and once their jets are used up, either America and London start murdering Muslims or the swarms of Muslims will really overrun this Tel Aviv state.

As the Lame Cherry has assessed. These Tel Aviv occupants are not Jews, only in Babylon Talmud. The are Ashkenaz and natives of Kiev. If the Ashkenaz are not a Darwin survival of the fittest, then let them return to their homeland of Kiev and see if they can fight Russians any better. If not, the Rothschilds have lots of housing for them in the West where they can do commerce there.

I have not inquired into this, but only make a logical projection on the above data, that if this war goes regional, Tel Aviv will be forced into receivership by an international body protectorate, and the ruins of the Middle East will then have a false peace as the real war is maneuvered to in that false peace. You would recognize that as Armageddon. The anti Christ has to stop being shy as the Pater Pope is building his false Vatican religion for him, and he is a central player in the End Times and while is alive, has to appear like that 3rd Temple for the end game.

"The 22-year-old says she finally understands her late grandfather's stories about 'Nakba,'" Reuters reported, "referring to the 1948 war that created Israel and led to mass dispossession of Palestinians."

"To be honest, you know how some things you don't understand them unless you experience them? So I am 22 years old, yesterday, I understood the Nakba fully, completely. Like, okay, I know information about it but my mind, I couldn't process it to be honest, can't imagine until yesterday."

Nuff Said
