Thursday, October 12, 2023

The Sensitive Species


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Well the "big event".

We have Dick Allgire and the remote viewers in a ticking 90 day clock.

We have Clif High and his computer spiders noting a big event off the scales.

We have that Rense person astrologer, Madelyn talking about how bad the stars and planets are.

We have Padre Paul in his Pater Pope Synod in Fatima predicting big events.

We have David John Oates doing prophetic reversals in which people  in talking remote sense big events and they show up in reversals. This guy was some intelligence dude. He is talking December.

I will not include my Daniel readings, of disaster, but every fringe platform is now indicating that something is out there and it is big.

My day is waiting for furnace repair in the HAARP cold which is colder than it should be, being worn out, having to do errands, having to see about that F 20 which the back wheel is locked up in trying to get it home now instead of the warm summer when I would have done it, and checking fence to keep the cattle in. The big events are still not big enough to stop my big events which I'm behind on and the non donors do not care, so God will not take care of them, but have them taken care of in big events.

This 90 to 180 day clock which is getting fewer by the day is interesting in how it is affecting the primate species sensitive to such things.

Nuff Said

Nuff Said.
