Friday, October 13, 2023

District of Crime Greenlights Assassinating Journalists

The only good people are dead people.
from your friends at the Tel  Aviv ministry of propaganda

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In a revisitation of the sinking of the USS Liberty by the Tel Aviv cabal, the United States regime greenlighted the Tel Aviv operation to hit any target and anyone in the Mideast.

US green light to Israel: "Hit any target you want anywhere in the Middle East" - Fierce fighting with Hezbollah in Lebanon - Reuters operator dead

The Tel Aviv cabal immediately inside Lebanon, fired artillery at journalists who were live streaming the firefight taking place between the IDF and Lebanese militia. As with the USS Liberty, that information was not going to be allowed, so the IDF murdered the cameraman, wounded a female reporter and sent the other journalist running for their lives.

They were clearly marked at the press. They were out in the open on top of a hill. This was a deliberate silencing to the media with extreme prejudice.

The Tel Aviv cabal has been having problems with fringe media asking hard questions about the holocaust of Philistines and getting furious responses. Today FOX News was asking the same questions and received the same harsh response......but no artillery shells made in the United States were fired at the FOX reporter.

Journalists were deliberately shelled to murder them all, and no American media is demanding an explanation from Bidencon. This is just the start of what will be the continued murdering of people in hospitals, in media and whatever else is not parroting the propaganda out of the Tel Aviv propaganda wing.

Allot of people are going to be dead in this, just like the trusting sailors on the USS Arizona.

- Lame Cherry
