Tuesday, October 17, 2023

The Vaudeville Jewzensky

I was told it was a starring role. I was told it was a divine comedy of holocaust.
Now no one is coming to see my play, and everyone is watching MacBibi,
the Tale of the Tel Aviv Prince.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It has been a tough two weeks for the despot of Kiev, the Nazi, Vladimir Zellinskky, as he is discovering that the only real Jews live in Tel Avi, New York and Western Europe. He might as well be a goy for all the press now cares, now that real Jews are dying in the Bibi War.

Yes it is Bibi Netanyahu that has the spotlight on the stage, and along with all the other Jews in 40 babies being beheaded, Jewess's having their vagina's invaded and real Ashkejew blood being shed. No one cares what Grubber Zellinskyy is up to in his holocaust of the Slavs.

Zellinskyy did try though.as he noted that two Ukrainian Jews were killed in this war. No one cared though.

Not stopping there, Zellinskyy tried to steal the stage with his little green Mao suit by going to Tel Aviv himself. The Jews of the A list Jewry said, "No thank you".

Israel turns down Zelensky's offer as 'it's not the time' for visit to grieving nation

It is always the problem in being the Ashkejew, as Adolf Hitler was doing ok with his culling of ghetto Ashkenaz, but when he didn't win the war, the press turned on him. Now the Jewish press have a winner in Bibi Netanyahu. A leader who will drop nuclear bombs on goy and most importantly, a leader who knows how to get the United States to fight their wars.

Bibi this is your big scene, it is the line which will be recited for
generations, say it with gusto, with tears, with deliverance, hold up that skull
and whisper to it, "Ah poor Hamas I knew thee well!"

Nuff Said
