Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Thread Porn


Gould & Goodrich 806-195

As another Lame Cherry exclusively in matter anti matter.

I'm going to revisit this as I hate Thread Porn. Thread Porn is some poor son of a bitch, posting a question looking for information, and 99 fuck heads post shit they know nothing about, because they want attention, and only one person answers the question asked.

Three people will probably give some helpful existential experience or knowledge, but you have to wade through thee most flat world damned fucktards on the planet.

This has to do with the Orci created show, Black List, starring Raymond Reddington. Yes I know it is Spader, but that is just how I write things to piss anal rentents off.

So Raymond is a character, agency trained at least, for all I know military trained. He oft times carries his Browning Hi Power a semi automatic pistol in the SMALL OF THE BACK as above illustrates with his African bodyguard.

OK now we know something more, Raymond has two bodyguards and hangs around with the FBI who are armed.

Often it is thread  worn that this carry in SOB means half the people in the world will be able to snatch your weapon. Raymond has a suit on, often an overcoat. No one is going to know he is armed and no one is going to reach under his coat to get this gun.

There is the refrain that if you fall, it will crack your spine So will falling. So will a nut cup crack your nuts and they still make you wear them. That is a reach as any carry of a handgun has rib cracking or hip splintering problems or falling out of your hip holster problems.

The police have lots of problems of guns going off in their locked and loaded position. It is stupid, but they still do it as do others, which is a bit more dangerous and a hell of allot more often than anyone falling on a pistol.

As I said threads are full of stupid people.

Then there is this is a slow draw position. Some say use an ankle holster.......and then come up with, "Well you talk your way through it in telling the killer that you are getting your wallet, but you have to tie your shoe first". Like a killer has never seen television and ankle holsters, can not see your shoes are tied, and like a criminal is going to stand there and wait while you tie your shoe.

As I said, threads are full of stupid people.

Unless you are drawing from an exposed hip position, no position in concealed carry is without delays. You still have to stick your hand into your coat on a shoulder holster, still have to reach down and get your ankle holster weapon. It all takes the same amount of time. They key to any gun fight is getting your gun, and making sure if you fire it, that you hit what you fire at the first time. Most people can not hit shit.

So back to Raymond in his carry. I seem to recall that his gun appears a great deal if he knows he is walking into things, from his pocket. Now that is a novel place to put a gun, in walking into a dangerous situation with your gun already in your hand. When Raymond exposes his back holster, he is also walking into a situation where he is going to draw and kill people.

You should get the point that the Jewish Gould and Goodrich is a hunting holster, marketed as such and is meant to be carried to kill tissues. This is a concealed kill holster, not a drive your car to the market holster, not a prance around at the ice rink and fall down holster. This is a holster for people who do not wear ass crack marks in their basement chairs jacking off letters on threads to sites to be a porn star.

You will find in most threads, people who are honest, like the SOB carry. There are always liars as anyone can type lies as much as the truth when lusting to be a porn whore in threads.

I always consider the best advice from gun people is to never take their advice or even listen. Just nod a great deal like I did with my brother. With him I could enjoy myself by insulting his purchases with a few words like "plastic gun" or "too little". He would get that sour owl shit look on his face as he mesmerized fucking morons all the time at the gun counter, and here I was not agreeing with his asstard ideas that he fucking learned from other asstards who come up with these ideas like the theory of relativity. It is a theory there Nancy......no proof, so let's move on as Einstein stole it from the post office and got laid by Marilyn Monroe for his efforts.

The best place to carry a gun is in your hands. I know a really undiscovered invention to carry things with. The second best place is a pocket or purse with your gun unloaded. Sorry I do not keep cartridges in my chambers as I do not live in combat where that belongs and no where else, especially with Mosaad trained police on American streets.

The third best place is wherever you want to keep your gun. Might be your desk drawer. Might be your food cubby in your mom van, might be your small of the back holster, never can tell. I scatter mine all over the place as that is just what I do and have always done.

I hope this post clears up nothing except not listening to any assholes on threads. I spent hours fucking around on Two Chiefs on fictional information on how to fix that pick up. I hope in this Great Tribulation that most people die, as it will not cut down on the lying, but at least there will be fewer liars to make a refrain.

Nuff Said
