Thursday, October 12, 2023

Two Chiefs Firewater


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I should have listened to the missionaries who sought to save the souls of the savage red man, and I should have listened to the chiefs council on the dangers of firewater, but I thought in this era of era things that we had left that all behind for meth highs and Marxism thriving on the rez.

I should have known after the wounds, and horrid attacks by Silly Pony the ghost, that he would stop at nothing to keep me from riding in Two Chiefs, the fabled 1970 Ford F 250 Ranger pick up, 360 CID engine which fought at the Little Big Horn, diverted General George Custer's attention and carved out new ecological landscapes, but I stand corrected in my Protestant Christianity in what I would never do in loving and fearing God, an Indian terrorist would do in a heartbeat.

So we had moved onto the carburetor. Yes thee 1968 and 1969 model carburetor which has a vent hole and a rubber gasket which no other carburetors have, and of course Two Chiefs born in October 1969 as a 1970 AD in the year of our Lord model, had that unique carburetor.

Let me say something, which I have about as conclusive proof as I can make, and that is those Goddamn Indians will stoop to anything in violating each other. 

When I first took off the fuel hose, and turned the engine over, there was this yellow piss looking liquid that shot out like cum and then came the dark red toxic farm gas.  I think it was piss.

So we drained all the red farm gas of questionable gas content out of the gas tank, all seemed kosher, tried to start Two Chiefs and he was acting like he was about flooding out or getting gas. This gas was the notorius fire water, ethanol mixed in gasoline to save the world which I favor as I like ethanol in I burn it all the time.

Two Chiefs would not start, so ........I decided a carb kit would be necessary for this 2100 carb. So ordered that, got it, and the Holy Ghost was not that thrilled about starting the project, and now I know why.

This is 4 hours into this now.........

So I watched the videos. This is some Martin kit or something and the fucks tell you to go to their site for instructions. Hey fuckhead, some people do not have endless interenet and some people have people with money who do not donate, so maybe written instructions are something for the price you charge you can include.

I hope St. Peter tells them, "Hey want to get into the Pearly Gates? Go to and get the instructions there on your cell phone. Oh that's right no cell phone, you internet traffic money grubbing bait click crooks."

Anyway, back to the Last Stand.

So I have a manual choke carb. Took the one screw loose that the Buck had rounded off for the choke cable and took the cable loose.

Stuck the cable in the vaccum advance spark hose I took off to not lose the two.

Went to the driver's side and pulled a piece of fencing wire out of the throttle slot and took off the spring.

Kept telling myelf what I did, as I was sure I was going to forget.

Took the 4 nuts of that held the carb on and off it came.

Next step is I figured to use the air hose and blow all the shit off which I did.

Took it into my new shop on wheels (The 300 dollar travel trailer we built a bench inside.) and it was hot, but it was nice, even with a bubble bee buzzing around inside as I was not losing shit in the grass.

Took off the rod to the accelerator pump.........mine was wired in the second hole. Removed the 4 accelerator pump screws and out popped the spring.

Removed the accelerartor pump, found a little red rubber thing which someone must have gone through this carb a bit before and I will explain about dirty Goddamn Indians

Then proceeded to take out the power pump cover, and the power pump which screws in, and had gun on the bottom, but as I could not see a gasket and the gunk was knows what that shit was.

Back up on top, took the top housing off to get at the fuel bowl and jets.

I had to be careful in that fuel bowl vent rubber as it looked like a cat hanging onto a condom for it's life. I have no idea if it is glued on part way or out. As there is not another in the universe......I did not want to detroy it further.

I took it out and sprayed it with carb cleaner.......yeah my expensive can developed a leak and that is it for the carb cleaner.

Blew it out with an air hose and back to the bench we went to work thing through.

The float was not brass.........was plastic. As my kit did not have the same matching shit, and the gaskets did match, I had to Nigger rid in mix and matching

I took out the .......I don't know the name right now in the fuel nozzles, but there is a hollow bolt that screws into a rod, and the rod has a BB at the bottom. Mine was ok, so polished and reused.

The float came off with some difficulty. As I stated, the parts did not match, so kept the old float needle and just buffed things up. The float is suppose to be about level and mine looked about that way when we put it back in. TL was a Godsend in got the one side in as their is this wire spring that has to hook over where the needle is. It was all sticky a hell. Put on some WD 40 and that helped a great deal.

So we took out the jets, the brass little things that let fuel in. They were both plugged. First one came out with a crack........second one the same Indian had rounded off the corners on the screw.

The Holy Ghost was talking to me and said "Put a small vice grip on it, then use a Crescent wrench to turn the vice grip and that should work". It did work the second time

There was dirt everywhere, gunk and what looks like human shed skin all over the place. I told you Indians are dirty. I think they are dirty like pigs due to fat content, a their dirt is like grey sludge that peals off.

TL handled the jets with a pin and in the accelerator pump there was a pin hole size hole that was full of Indian skin gunk that we got unplugged.

I did not have another jet, so I did not tighten the thing to hell and back like all these other assholes do as I may have to take this apart again.

We got it put back together with the main parts and gaskets. .I was not messing around with the other stuff in the kit, as I could not see where any of this shit would fit.

Did use the little red rubber lily pad toad stool thing though. It would not seat, so maybe it was not meant to. I was not going to ruin at as it looks like the Indian tore off the long red end pulling on it the last time.

The Holy Ghost said to crank Two Chiefs over to make sure gas was coming through the line like before, before I connected it.......yeah, cranked and no gas. Put in more gas. Took the gas line off from the tank to the pump.........NO GAS like before.

Here is what I think. I think a fucking Indian for whatever a fucking Indian would dream up for revenge, put dirt into this gas tank. He probably pissed in the fuel line too, just to be a bastard.

I have no idea if it is the Buck's kids gone rampage as someone smashed the windows or some other Goddamn Indian mad at Two Chiefs family and was bent on revenge.

I know for certain that this was one beat to hell pickup. I know it has Indian filth and mouse shit all over it. I know that this amount of dirt does not get into the carburetor or gas tanks get plugged like this unless a human was involved.

There are just signs as the jet feed screws were out 2 1/2 turns. Book says 1 1/2 turns. You turn out screws that much if things are plugged.

Then there is the air breather cover. Dumb fuck cut half of it away. You do that when you have shit for brains aboriginal style in something is not running right on the carb.

Goddamn piss pour fix as the air breather keeps dirt out........yeah run an engine with dirty damn Indians and all that shit gets into the carb and engine.

So I think some Indian really fucked this pick up. Maybe it was after the crash, that broke the lugs and front wheel, and pushed the grill in so I could not get the hood open. For all I know the one tribe, ran over some big fat fucking Indian from another tribe and I have some murder weapon that the tribal police could not give a damn about as a good Indian is a dead Indian.

I just know that Fire Water was bad medicine for Two Chiefs and Silly Pony knew it. Probably possessed some meth head buck who pissed in the pipe and put handfuls of dirt into the gas tank.

That in turn is my world of now I get to take the gas lines loose and blow air through them to get fire water back into the carb.

That one puzzled me in no fuel flow now, but as TL said, we would rather have no fuel than all that dirt sucked back into the carburetor.

Just hope it is not some Goddamn nightmare as crawling around under a pick up sucks about as much as giving a pick up a blow job.

Nuff Said.
