Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Why is Tel Aviv Exterminating Jews

 The Israeli military today is more comfortable making TikTok videos and posting Instagram photographs than they are in perfecting the skillsets needed to close with and destroy your enemy

The IDF has become experts at arresting children, beating up women, and murdering unarmed men.

- Scott Ritter 

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Just as the United States is a woke fag fatty group uniform wearing group, the Jewish Israeli Defense Forces are a conscripted population of self indulgent liberal children, more interested in posing as whores than in defense of a nation.

Gaza is a metropolitan state like New York City. Half it's population are children as they are prolific breeder. This is currently who the Tel Aviv cabal is bombing to holocaust.

The point in all of this is simple. Tel Aviv is wearing it's jets out on sorties, turning concrete buildings into concrete bunkers which Philistine trained fighters will bristle from like a porcupine. The IDF is not the Jewish created Wagner Group of Russia, who are a remarkably trained group of 50,000 men, who at Bahkmut showed with 4 principle weapons, the Wagner employee, their AK74, a RPG and thermobaric warheads were able to obliterate the Nazi of Kiev, time and again. The death toll of the Nazi is now over 500,000 to Wagner's 25,000. Wagner is the reality that the IDF command exist in fictional minds.

To put it plainly, the Ashkejew like Mennachin Begin were terrorists, very adept terrorists. These Tel Aviv terrorists were lucky and they were skilled, and won 3 wars. By the time Ariel Sharon sent the sons of these troops into Lebanon, they folded as they were told they were God's chosen and that the Muslims would run away. No the Muslims stood and fought and the IDF folded.
For a historic reality, the Tel Aviv forces are the mirror of the Spartans. The Spartans in starting out were warriors who would either die or come home with glory. By the time their children appeared, their children were the myth and when real war came, they folded as cowards.

The Lame Cherry has great respect for Milton Friedman who is the father of the American volunteer military. The problem with a volunteer military is you first need a core group of White Protestant Christians, preferably Saxon, and if you do not have them, you have losers. The second is, you can only train so far in a professional army to "win". Russia is facing NATO patsies so they are superior, but it always, ALWAYS comes down to as General DeGaulle stated that in war, the side which wins is the side fighting on their home ground and fighting with a native purpose.

The Tel Aviv war plan is to make Gaza uninhabitable, so they can get offshore natural gas wells. This war was all set up by Mosaad in the allowed attacks which were made that more successful by these incompetent Ashkejew conscripts.

Tel Aviv was prepared for this. The fake stories of beheaded babies that Sean Homo Hannity is parroting to the fake rape reports which the LA Times just retracted as bullshit, is all coming from Tel Aviv and out of Anthony Blinken's State Department in this wag the dog.

If one examines this from a strategic position, Tel Aviv engaged in this murderous ruse, to get America and England to fight Iran for them. In addition, Tel Aviv is intent on culling a number of their uniform wearing children by leaving them to be executed in Gaza. This is the mirror image of Zellinskyy in Kiev in murdering off Ukraine's Slavic Orthodox population and blaming Russia for it.

Tel Aviv will deploy with drones and waste a great deal of money on expensive weapons in using 100,000 dollar weapons to kill one expendable Philistine. America will be bankrupted more by this just as the Ashkejews blow up American weapons in Kiev or sell them off to Gaza like shit through a goose.

The Philistine in their position should mirror the brilliant tactics of the Russians in Ukraine. They must rely on mines, using terrain for concentrating the IDF and then killing them with RPG's or their version of the thermobaric, in the IED, as was effective against Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan.

A layman's Claymore mine, in a directional mine in using plastic explosives, wired to a detonator, packed with nuts and bolts, against a hard background would be the victory for Hamas.

For the record, after the Tel Aviv military bombs Gaza to rubble, nuclear bombs would have zero benefit in trying to bomb gopher Philistines out of that rubble. Heat rises and the nuclear storm would be above the Philistines.
Is Tel Aviv capable of a bioweapon DNA bomb. Yes it is, as much as chemical weapons. They have carte blanche from London and DC, but in this is a reality of every time America gets involved in a cartel war from Iraq to Libya, the situation gets worse. Hezbollah, Syria and Iran will become worse, their diaspora will become weaponized. Other Muslims led by Saudi Arabia will turn on London and DC.

History has proven that the United States will lose this war. Tel Aviv can not win this war in it has the same worthless children in uniform that the entire West has in uniform.

The coming Jewish holocaust has originated out of Tel Aviv and not Nazi Berlin. Gaza is what Bahkmut was. It will cause 25,000 Jewish dead, if they were Wagnet they would win, but they will lose and have nothing but dead.

Nuff Said
