As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
What you are going to be reading in the future days is a series of exclusive articles on the events of Dallas 1963 and you will discover all the lies which you have been conditioned with.
To start this off, we offer the story here of a Kennedy Machine friend of John F. Kennedy, when he was still a US Senator. The man was Frank Sinatra, a man who literally changed the course of history.
Frank Sinatra was a man split between fame and family, and with John Kennedy he ran into a man without any morals at all, that Sinatra always counted as a close friend, but one who he felt uncomfortable with as he was guilt ridden in being around Jackie Kennedy.
The year was 1960 AD in the year of our Lord, when Frank Sinatra received a call to his Palm Springs home from Joe Kennedy the patriarch, who asked Sinatra to appear at Hyannnis Port. Sinatra dropped everything and flew out. He expected the meeting was to request him to do a number of engagements for the Kennedy ticket. What he was told was something he was not expecting.
Joe Kennedy informed Frank Sinatra that they just had to win West Virginia and stop Hubert Humphrey there who was challenging JFK. Kennedy then said that they needed the mafia's help, but the Kennedy's could not make the contact due to the repercussions. Joe Kennedy then said it had to be a favor to Frank from the mob.
Without asking anything further, Frank Sinatra said he would do this for his friend John Kennedy.
When Sinatra returned home, he called up Chicago Don, Ginacana, requested a meeting and then asked Giancana to handle the West Virginia elections as a personal favor to him for the Kennedy's. Giancana was confused as he knew Joe Kennedy in having done business together, but said he would do as he was asked.
John Kennedy "won" the West Virginia primary. John Kennedy due to vote fraud in Chicago which was Mr. Giancana's home turf, stole the 1960 Presidential election from Richard Nixon.
It was in that period that Frank Sinatra discovered what kind of people the Kennedy's were. He was head of the planning for the Kennedy Inauguration, with Kennedy brother in law, Peter Lawford. Lawford told Frank that his ideas were not right. Sinatra who was the biggest entertainer in the world, told Lawford to "Fuck Off".
Sinatra told the Kennedy people that he was packing and going home and the Englishman could sing the songs. A Kennedy handler was mortified as JFK was going to present an award to Sinatra by surprise and this was going to be a disaster. The handler convinced Frank to stay which he did out of loyalty, loyalty which was about to find new lethal depths.
Soon enough, Bobby Kennedy as Attorney General went after the mafia and everyone connected with them. The mob was furious and there was actual discussion by the mob to hit Frank Sinatra. Giancanna squelched it immediately, but that was the eye opener for Frank Sinatra in what the Kennedy's would do in using people and throwing them away.
Frank with the rat pack would play at Giananna's in Chicago in repayment for the favor, but Frank Sinatra almost got killed by the Kennedy's in this stunt.
It would go deeper than this in President Kennedy was supposed to stay with Sinatra at his home in Palm Springs. Sinatra gutted his house, put i the red phone in case the Russian attacked, an rebuilt everything, including a helicopter pad. At the last moment the Kennedy's said NO, and stayed with Republican Bing Crosby.
Frank Sinatra had been kicked to the curb and not long after John Kennedy had his brains blown out in Dallas, trying to make political support again for an election which Jackie Kennedy told Paul Newman they would lose at.
This is what the Kennedy machine did to people who trusted them.
Dean Martin, a rat pack member, from the start backed away from the Kennedy's as that was his style. If Dean Martin did not like the way things were going on, he simply went away from it all. Frank Sinatra learned the hard way, but he never blamed John Kennedy for what took place. This was the old man and Bobby, who Frank really did not like.
Remember this about all politicians They always say the right thing like Trump or Obama, but the people in the wake of the power always end up indicted or drowning in some pond.
Nuff Said
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