As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry is not interested in race, religion or politics in this posts. This post is based on projection of the festering sore which is the state of Tel Aviv, and how this all traces back to democrat President Harry Truman and his lackey Clark Clifford who guided all democrat administrations. Clifford's first foray into guiding democrat presidents was the issue of the partition of Palestine in 1948 to create the state of Tel Aviv.
This was not some high minded love for Jewry which drove this. This was a failed nuclear bombing American president in Harry Truman, facing electoral defeat in the coming presidential elections, which played the Jew Card in pandering to the New York finance and vote of Jewry in that state to win a presidential election by taking land from Philistines and awarding it to Ashkejews in Palestine.
Treated by Clifford to an impassioned plea for prompt U.S. recognition of the Jewish state upon termination of the British mandate, [Under Secretary of State Robert A.] Lovett launched a frontal, no-holds barred assault that decried any such proposed move as a transparent political ploy designed to procure Jewish votes in the looming November presidential elections. More substantively, he argued that recognizing a Jewish state prematurely would not only be injurious to the UN but would also be “buying a pig in a poke.” “How [do] we know what kind of Jewish state would be set up?” he asked, producing a pile of intelligence reports alleging that many Jewish immigrants to Palestine were in fact Communist agents working for the Soviet Union.
Marshall then took over from his deputy. “The counsel offered by Mr. Clifford was based on domestic considerations,” the department’s transcript of the meeting would record him as saying, “while the problem which confronted us was international.” If Truman were to follow Clifford’s advice, “the great dignity of the office of president would be seriously diminished”—with the consequence, warned the enraged Marshall, playing the ultimate card, that “if in the [November] elections I were to vote, I would vote against the President.”
Thee entire democrat cabinet, including the United Nations team was stunned and bewildered when the surprise announcement reached them. This was foreign policy democrats who understood that putting a half million Jews, surrounded by millions of Muslims was going to make a perpetual war situation where only the United States spilling blood and money, would prop up this regime in Tel Aviv.
The democrat foreign policy team were absolutely right in their prediction.
As this fast forwards to the democrat Joe Biden, funding the Tel Aviv holocaust in Gaza of tens of thousands of innocent people, all at the behest of this Kaganite Blinken and Nuland Ashkejew guidance of the White House, veering from the Henry Kissinger and Paul Wolfowitz neocon advice, this is coming full circle.
It was the New York Jewish vote which began this in 1948 for Harry Truman. The same dual citizen vote has been swaying US elections in a skewed bias toward Tel Aviv without any Kissinger Pax Americanus foresight. When one examines the understanding of Tehran, Hezbollah, Damascus and Hamas, they know that Tel Aviv is a failed regime and only survives by being propped up by the American cabal. These Islamists know who their enemy is and their target to overthrow the 1948 mandate for the creation of the state of Israel. It is the United States and this power is centered in key areas of Jewry in New York and Virginia.
What has become US biased policy for Tel Aviv, has cast aside a Jerry Kuschner Abraham Accords for a two state solution. The US is not seen as an honest broker any more. It can not be relied upon by former allies led by Saudi Arabia and Egypt. The belligerent states who are checking Tel Aviv in Gaza, are in process expanding outward their war projections to topple Tel Aviv as the cartel intends in this scheme. The very policies which are coming out of the District of Criminals, from hunting down White Christian Americans as political prisoners and the bias for Tel Aviv over all nations in the region, have produced a deliberate cartel construct where Americans do not trust their government, are being erased and replaced with foreigners, and the preferred status is for those in Kiev and Tel Aviv, all from New York City and Alexandria. These policies have shown weakness to the world in a feudal few of woke are in control of the majority and foreigners are in superior numbers. Those statistics are what emboldened Japan and Germany in World War II against America. This time the situation is different in there will not be a ship sunk in the ocean or a Pearl Harbor as the Muslim mind has shown it focuses on thee American mainland. Islamists have been emboldened by their victory over Tel Aviv and DC. They will move to regain their caliph and the way like Russia in Ukraine, is to drive America from NATO and from the Mideast.
The logical projection is that Islam will not repeat the mistakes of 1948, 1967 and 1972 in fighting there. Islam will carry the fight into America for the crippling blow.
There is backing for this from Moscow and Peking and BRICS. There is backing for this from the Elders in Europe as much as the Tel Aviv cabal who think of Americans as a nice cash card which is better spent and not heard.
This all began in pandering for the Jewish vote in 1948 from a group who felt guilt over the German work camps and could not build enough holocaust shrines to the camps, when not one camp ever appeared in America. This is now Kaganite leadership which has brought this full circle in the Tel Aviv vote and computer programs installed Joe Biden over the feckless Donald Trump. In previous attacks the Muslim could not reach from the Mideast with effect to America. That is changing in this technological world which now as Mideast state backing from Pakistan to Morocco.
There is now a plus majority position that this will move from the Mideast into the United States.
Nuff Said