Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The Game Ender


US ‘Trapped’ in Red Sea, Should Prepare for Gibraltar Strait’s ‘Closure’ - IRGC

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There was a most interesting threat from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard as while the focus is on Yemeni control of the Red Sea, Iran is talking about shutting the door on the DC, London, Tel Aviv front by closing the Mediterranean Sea which is a real European and American problem.

“Yesterday the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz was a nightmare for them, today the Bab al-Mandab Strait and the Red Sea have trapped them, and with the continuation of these crimes, they will soon await the closure of the Mediterranean Sea, [the Strait of] Gibraltar and other waterways,” the commander added. “Oppression that has gone too far should await the storm,” he warned.

In searching this to see what Iran is indicating, Iran indeed with Hezbollah and more importantly the largest power in North Africa, being Algeria, have all allied in their support of the Polisario Front, a Yemeni type armed self governing group honed in combat.

Since 2017, Iran has supported the separatist front through Hezbollah and with the help of Algeria. This Iranian support is a source of destabilization for the Kingdom of Morocco. Reports and information clearly demonstrate that Iran is supplying the Polisario militia with anti-aircraft missiles and drones, through Hezbollah and with the help of Algeria. Iran is seeking to establish itself in North Africa and the Sahel. An important rapprochement has taken place between Iran and Hezbollah on the one hand, and the [Polisario] Front and Algeria on the other. This rapprochement represents a threat to the security and stability of Morocco.

Thousands marched in Morocco in support of Gaza and against normalization of relations which Tel Aviv. Morocco sits at the choke point of Alterable. In an age of hypersonic anti ship missiles, drones and whatever there is, this is where Iran's long reach can sink a US carrier or smash a Jewish owned or allied ship.

If some Iranian ally starts launching fireworks at Gibraltar, they do not have to hit anything more than Yemen has, in order for ships to be ordered by insurance companies to not navigate the Mediterranean.

This is the ultimate maritime strangulation of a nation surrounded by a complete host of neighbors of Tel Aviv who are displeased in having been threatened with nuclear destruction for protesting what is going on in Gaza.

The Tel Aviv holocaust in Gaza has now drawn in US led forces which can do nothing but go bankrupt in the Red Sea. Aircraft carriers can not sail in desert sands. Yemen has warned if it is attacked that it will take out the Saudi and UAE oil fields. That cuts off the military power by fuel of any operation in the Mideast.
Now Iran is threatening that it has the resources to shut off the Mediterranean for only it's supporters use.

It was beyond Lloyd Austin stupid to put the USS Gerald Ford carrier into the Mediterranean. Hezbollah has missiles which can sink it. Vladimir Putin of Russia has warned it's hypersonics can sink the entire fleet. Now it appears that the Polisario Group has gotten a load of ship killer missile and is going to begin locking the door on the Mediterranean west.

The 30 pieces of silver for the Gaza natural gas wells for Tel Aviv to sell that carbon fuel to Europe hypocrites are costing billions. This Gibraltar threat is going to cost trillions.

This is something to watch as this is the game ender for the world order.

Nuff Said

