"The third phase includes ending the ground operation in the Gaza Strip, reducing army forces and demobilizing reserves, resorting to air strikes, and establishing a buffer zone on the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip," according to official sources.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Tel Aviv has surrendered to Hamas. The Lame Cherry would appreciate knowing who were the masterminds behind this entire campaign which began with the psychological warfare of letting Tel Aviv be the butchers they are as espoused by the "baby killer" Mark Levin who can not get enough blood libel.
The Lame Cherry is not going to get into a dispute or debate of innocence, instead will focus on what matters, and that is the fact that Tel Aviv and the United States have lost in an epic Herman Goering miscalculation on a Vietnam scale of David's sling killing Goliath.
Here are the absolute facts. Yemen has been using cheap drones which are using up the supply of US Navy multi million dollar missiles. The same situation is in South Lebanon where Iron Dome is more like Rusty Relic as Hezbollah blows up IDF soldiers in the north. In the south, the Philistines have used two inventions, the 105 RPG and the Ghoul sniper rifle to blow up IDF armour and troops.
This is what fascinates me in this is not these Muslims figuring this out as they have never waged war like this ever before. They had a plan, they have been skilled in it, they have manipulated Tel Aviv and America to kill itself and they have done it all with basic sticks and stones against advanced technology.
Yes this is the cartel of Europe behind this manipulating, but the Lame Cherry guess is, that what has been the operational plan was schooled to Iran, who in turn skilled Hamas, Yemen and Hezbollah in a Russian psychological warfare as this is brilliant, not the Russia of Stalin in it's ham fisted approach to things.
This operational plan is helped as Jesus, the Lord of the Battle does not fight for the woke who hate Him.
IOF Confirm 156 Soldiers Killed Since Start
Of Gaza Ground Incursion - Zionists Lie Non-Stop
'We Killed 48 Zionist Soldiers, Destroyed 35
Military Vehicles During Past 4 Days’ - Hamas
Houthis Say US Warship ‘Firing Hysterically’
Nearly Hit Tanker In Red Sea
So we are at the 3rd Phase. The Jews have had too many dead and wounded in Gaza. They would meet with the same disaster in Lebanon, so it appears that the IDF is going to wear out F 35 jets, using bankrupt American munitions to blow up more babies in Gaza as the outcome for this disaster of holocaust in order to try to force the two legged rats of Gaza out, so Tel Aviv and Europe can get the Gaza gas wells.
The caliph pretenders in this order, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Egypt are going to poise themselves even under Tel Aviv nuclear threat to really pour on the coals. There will be celebrating in every Muslim nation, this will embolden every militant produced by Zbigniew Brzezinski. As this breaks down, the conclusion is, "We have bearded the Tel Aviv lion, have knocked the American eagle from the perch. Europe in Spain, Italy and France have abandoned DC and London. The war now comes to the supply line of Tel Aviv. We will cut off the Mediterranean, and follow that line into America, as the cartel is bringing America down, it will be the Islamic opportunity to cripple America in violent acts, which will please our allies in Moscow and Peking".
Obama's Muslim wars are entering the Joe Biden phase of coming in full force against America.
So Tel Aviv has murdered over 20,000 Philistines to establish a buffer which existed before this mass murder took place. All that has been accomplished is to make America an active nuclear target for atomic Islam.
To the point, Henry Kissinger never would have allowed this disaster. This is what you get from Mark Levin, Anthony Blinken and Victoria Nuland flat brain policies.
America paid over 100 billion dollars in this loss.
Where is Aaron Klein when the Jewish state needs him.
Nuff Said