As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In the HAARP storm of Christmas, I observed some things which were anomalies.
The first is it was brighter at night, I could in thick rainy piss clouds actually see the moon illuminations.
The second is when the clouds broke on the night of December 27th, looking like fat deposits, the clouds appeared higher than the moon, in they did not, I repeat did not block out the moon.
Now clouds can not be higher than the moon. I could see a planet kind of obscured by the clouds, but the moon was not.
Baron Karl von Reichenbach in his studies of energy stated his seers as subjects could discern between moon light and sun light. The sun did not shine through these HAARP dirty sooty Chinaman pollution clouds at all. Yet the moon did.
These chem and metal sprays have a different property structure when it comes to direct sun and indirect moon light. These clouds have shown a propensity to illuminate these new LED lights on city streets to put dome glows over cities which were not there before.
Just reporting the observations.
Nuff Said