(left)Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS)
(right) Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan (MBZ)
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry desires each of you to remember one thing, there is a cartel behind all of this, which is rocking the cradle on both sides, for the desired outcome of the order, and everyone is being backed with a unique package to get them to adhere to their bias and prejudice.
- Lame Cherry
In this article you are going to see intitials and this is hard as we are in the Muslim world and they all have crazy names like Barack Hussein Obama, that you can't keep straight. It is easier to know them by their head dresses as the Saudis' have the cool red and white checked thing and the UAE has that white headstall, while Hamas just has hair, and Hezbollah goes for the big turbans like Iran or 007 suits.
What is taking place in the Mideast is something interesting and in depth. Tom Luongo touches on part of it in what is taking place in the Red Sea. The United States is leading a coalition which has not showed up like France and Spain, for Tel Aviv, while China is lurking about with India, and Iran is a forward spotter on ships. Iran actually took a step which was deliberate in they hit a Tel Aviv linked tanker off the coast of India. Iran appears to be closing the door east and west while Yemen is now united against the Tel Aviv holocaust in Gaza. Yes that is important as the Saudi backed faction in Yemen is now going to war with Tel Aviv.
The two principles in this are the Nixon and Reagan couple in UAE and Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia was mentored by UAE in diplomatic circles, but is now matured and is no longer listening to the UAE. What the UAE wants is the United States to pound Yemen which is one more disaster in the making as the UAE has stated it will blow up the UAE and Saudi oil fields if they are hit by America or Tel Aviv.
So what is taking place is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is taking a Sunni step of actual war against Tel Aviv in an economic war which is what the Red Sea is all about. The Red Sea is designed to blockade Tel Aviv of supplies to destroy their economy which stopped functioning when all the troops were called up.
This is MBS and MBZ at loggerheads. The UAE position is weak as Tel Aviv to get America to blow up people for it. Saudi Arabia is long ball playing as it always does with diplomacy. It sees the huge problem it is facing, it's wealth and oil are the leadership, but Iran has been pumping weapons into Gaza, Yemen, Syria and Morocco where the fighting is taking place and will take place. While London is currently trying to become the guerrilla warriors in Lebanon, what was Gaza is now a battlefield which will stretch from Gibraltar, Suez to Bombay.
To put this mildly, it is not going to be very long in this dispute before some Muslim genius is going to figure out that it is easier to blow up a cargo ship bound for Tel Aviv in Amsterdam than running thee expensive American gauntlet of missile cruisers. It will have the same effect. Insurance brokers will not cover these ships, the owners will not carry Tel Aviv cargo and in a strange historical context when the Elders sold the Warsaw ghetto Jews to work camps, Netanyahu is building a concentration camp of Jews who will suffer as there are not enough planes in the world to fly in food to millions of starving Jews.
So Saudi Arabia in the long ball, is thinking, "I will back this discreetly and keep my oil, and as we are the spiritual capital of Islam, we will hold the hearts of Muslims in the fight while Iran holds the hands". This is a Sunni Shia struggle for control of Islam and Saudi Arabia must pick up more support from the population centers in North Africa or it will be facing a victorious armed Jihad against Tel Aviv which will for Iran establish a Persian empire control over Mecca.
What we are dealing with is a fascinating onion of intrigue. There is the grand strategy of cutting of the sea to Tel Aviv. There is the front line strategy which is deliberate. One must understand these tactics. The sea strategy led by Yemen is to hit Tel Aviv shipping. On land, you can read what Hezbollah and Hamas have been engaged in.
On the Lebanese border, Hezbollah has been firing missiles at Tel Aviv troops to kill them. In Gaza, Hamas has unleashed the Ghoul sniper rifle, which has been killing more Tel Aviv troops. Tel Aviv is hiding the death toll, just as Joe Biden did of dead Americans in these attacks in Iraq and Syria. What the Resistance is engaged in, is deliberate. They know that the Kaganites in DC want control of Jerusalem, in gaining leverage over Tel Aviv and the European elders. There is a schism in Jewry.
The Muslim propaganda is specific, they are going to kill IDF troops to make Jewish mothers scream for peace at Tel Aviv at Benjamin Netanyahu. Yes there is a Lyndon Johnson coup taking place against the leaders in Tel Aviv who are right wing Orthodox and were put there to be blamed for this fiasco by the cartel, which wants it's own faction in charge of the rubble.
Interestingly, all four of the Resistance's operations directly targeted Israeli occupation soldiers, rather than military infrastructure or equipment. The operations come in support of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and its Resistance
In total, al-Qassam fighters confirmed hits on 10 Israeli occupation soldiers to the east of Khan Younis in these two days. In one operation, several snipers shot down at least six soldiers in one area in the al-Rannah axis to the northeast of the city of Khan Younis.
You are now for the first time seeing a microcosm of what is taking place. London is moving the French position out with America, as London hedges with Iran, because Saudi Arabia has relations now with BRICS. This is the "western control" manifesto and it is being blown up by Tel Aviv which wants it's Greater Tel Aviv. Into this are Saudi Arabia in the Sunni side, at odds with UAE, and both are coming to terms with Shia Iran which invested in the weapons of revolution and has a host of allies.
The Lame Cherry will tell you absolutes. Unless Tel Aviv runs a false flag to scorch earth this situation, Netanyahu is finished. If the issue is not in the Mideast, this will move into America, which in it's new German alliance, has lost the Mideast and the functional control of NATO in these horrendous Kiev and Tel Aviv operations.
Russia and China are both hovering in the wings, making gains.
This either brings a fake peace to the Mideast and Europe, or the violence comes into America by design. America is not looking at all for peace. It is engaged in western European bases, as it thinking of a war which Russia is goaded to the Rhine for a fight.
Europe has it's own intrigue focused on European control by the Germans or a London hegemony on the rubble of the world which is where the cartel operates it's finances out of.
China believes if it stays back and lets the white people kill themselves again, that Peking will rule by default.
This is a completely different world now in it is space wars and nuclear missiles. Everyone is leveraging against the other and everyone has been promised the rule.
They will all keep at this, until enough are destroyed so that the crippled survivors can be dominated by the feudal few.
Nuff Said
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