Friday, December 29, 2023

the set up


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Why Is Corporate State Media Turning On Netanyahu?

As the Lame Cherry informed you from the beginning of this, Bibi Netanyahu a right winger and the Orthodox were installed into Tel Aviv to be blamed for the holocaust and failures, where another group will inherit the spoils. The same is true for Kiev.

This is internicene warfare among the Ashkenaz. It is why it is has appeared that people can use the J Word now, because there is a new religion coming to this order in being made public, and what is in Tel Aviv is going to be blamed like all the rest of religions. They are competitors to the order in the Great Deception.

This is a reality that America was led by NeoCons who appeared and now control is the Kaganites, and these people will be blamed too for all the holocaust in the world. It is a conditioning and the Ashkejew have been so herded that they do not even see it is coming as scapegoats this this time from their own cartel.

It is just part of the End Times and the set up.

If you want to hear how viral this has gone, Rense had a guest who lays it out.

Lucas Gage

Outspoken Critic Of Jewish World Control
And The Dirty War Against Him And The First Amendment

X Thread On The Controversy

Nuff Said

