Saturday, December 30, 2023



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In 2008, I spoke with a Republican, who was on the inside, knew how to construct voting blocks in order to win elections, and knew voting trends. He informed me in 2008, that 10 million Republican votes vanished to install Obama and appeared as democrat votes.

This was repeated in 2012 AD in the year of our Lord.

Those are facts, so it does not matter what Donald John lost by in what he said were rigged elections, which we have witnessed enough problems and outright election flipping to know that 2020 was already decided, as much a the reality that we can know that Joe Biden did not draw the biggest voter turn out in history in 80 plus million, when Obama could not even do that.

So there is something wrong with American elections in fraud.

So when I see headlines like these ..........

America Facing Biggest Crisis Since Pre-Civil War 1860
Regarding States Rights And Banning Trump From Statewide
Ballots As Both CO And Maine Have Done (Trump Is Back
On In CO Pending SCOTUS Decision)

After Maine, Is There Any Way This Ends Well?

CA Keeps Trump On 2024 Ballot As Sec State
Rejects Calls From Fellow Dems To Remove Him

Ibram X. Kendi Demands Supreme Court Remove
Trump From 2024 Presidential Ballots Or Else
The Confederacy Actually Won The Civil War

What difference does it make if Donald John is on the ballot or not, as there is enough evidence that American elections are not decided by the people any longer.

So if you care about the above headlines and are getting worked up, just why is it that you are so dense that you think elections are fair and you are being cheated of something, because those elections do not exist.

If you are a Republican, the GOPliters hate you. They detest you. They vote like liberal democrats. They left people who at worst were involved in trespassing in jail, without rights like Philistines in Tel Aviv prisons to be tortured. You think  these GOPliters are about you? You think your local GOPliter likes you any more?

The same is true of the democrats, the leadership knows you are all kooks. They have one purpose for you before you are erased and replaced with Mexicans and that is to go around and tamper with elections to try and get reaction from some dim wit on the right.

This is why I'm done with politics.

Do I think Donald Trump should be a Jehu and clean things out? Yeah, I thought the same thing for this DIA asset in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, and he was Obama's 3rd term. We are not told to trust him as he is going to do things right, ship millions of foreigners back home.........yeah as that Gimp governor of Texas ships them all throughout America embedding them..........Yeah a Donald Trump in his commerce meeting said he was opening the borders to get all them workers in for the robber barons.

I will never believe Donald Trump. I will never believe any of this as you can see why that Zionngelical Speaker of the House was installed, to give bombs to the genocide of Gaza. It is a reality that Netanyahu and his Orthodox genocidists are going to be blamed for all of this, and this entire tag is going to be brought into America to smear the Christian right again for all of these holocausts from Kiev to Gaza.

Why anyone would get worked up over all of this staged political theater, and make themselves a target of the FBI is beyond reason. I'm staying out of it and away from it all. I will pay my taxes, observe the laws and pray my prayers and not be a problem.

That is what someone with a thought process would do as I'm not going to war in some civil war. I don't have a part in any of this. My America, the Republic was destroyed after Ronald Reagan, and as elections are rigged, as war i going to be rigged so you lose even if you win, as the new leader is already chosen.

The Bible says that in times like these, the prudent remain silent. If I had the money donated that is required in tithes from you people, I would be prudently silent, telling you to behave and posting about Bible lessons and how to garden.

It is time people unplugged.

Nuff Said
