As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry is going to preface this with stating I do not know what is behind this, but I do know that something is very wrong with HAARP.
As I type this we have been under a dense fog advisery since 6 PM last night. There is no fog. There is the dead grey HAARP soot clouds for this week, but there is no fog.
Dane Wigginton mentioned that in Shasta California, he was getting snow..........the radar said rain.
I told you in the Christmas storm there was a barrier in North Dakota to stop the storm. The storm blew through it and looked like bomb dust going off.
I noticed in the current weather conditions in this storm that the winds were listed at 21 mph. We had almost 40 mph winds for days in they were roaring. Again, we are seeing things that the weather forecasts are NOT showing current conditions from real data. It is a farce from a model and THE MODELS ARE WRONG.
The lezbo Germanic HAAPRIES have lost control of their system of weather rape. I noted last night that they knew where I live as they put narrow band of ice on us. Wigginton probably got snow as an FU too as they know where he lives. They can do macro, but they have lost control of the large systems. More to the point, they have to generate these weather rape monsters to acheive things. They just can't produce a regular Lo and leave it become weather as nature would. No they have to jet moisture into it, heat the dome and create systems to big that something in this now has changed.
I do have a theory in the chem sprays. I have noted that they have killed the soil microbes with these acidic metal chems. There are microbes in the sky. Rain smells like ran for a reason as soil does and it is due to microbes. Rain does not really smell like it did. I think they have killed the microbes in the sky. They are killing the oceans, the land and the sky for their reasons, and these chems are toxic to what is naturally there and it is having an effect on what HAARP is failing to generate. The forecasts are models, the models are published and people are noting that the weather is not matching the models.
The earth wobble has a big factor in this drought cycle on temperatures. There is around 5 plus degrees more heat. As we have had the HAARP Shroud of these dead clouds for a week, I have not been able to monitor the sun.
I will add that we were supposed to have partly cloudy skies on afternoon, but the sun did not appear. This again is HAARP not matching the models, because the atmosphere is so overloaded and dead, that it is not responding as it once did.
So we have fake information being published on sites as the atmosphere is not doing what the models say. We have HAARP not being able to control the skies as it once did. It has killed the microbes and is so laden with soot chems that they are sluggish. It is very interesting in these smog clouds are a thermal inversion of sorts, but that is what fog is..........and they can not generate fog on command anymore and that was a signature of HAARP.
So the weather modificiation is no longer modification. It is more weather animation of a dead sky and the sky is not responding any more than a corpse does.
This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.