Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Kiev Drone Terror 2024 AD in the year of our Lord


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In reading between the lines of the District of Criminals coordination with the Nazi of Kiev, one projection is the summation of a neo fable of the 2024 AD in the year of our Lord Kiev offensive and that is terrorism.

WP: the new US strategy for Ukraine is not aimed at seizing territories

If one reviews what is the focus of Kiev production and what they have been whining about in F 16's flying out of foreign bases,  there is only a triad of terrorism which will be deployed in 2024 and it will be these 3 areas.

Area 1: In Belgorod, Kiev Nazi deployed long range artillery and bombed civilian Russian housing in their cities.

Area 2: Kiev is moving to mass production of drones. Drones will be sent helter skelter as terror bomb assassination tools by the thousands to attack Russian troops and to assassinate Russian leadership.

Area 3: F 16 deployed long range missiles to provide a Screaming Mimi terror attack on whatever expensive things which can be blown up, from nuclear power plants, ships, bridges, oil facilities.

This is not an offensive in the least, although it is offensive in the greatest as this is nothing but terror, no different than the IDF placing exploding cans of food or candy bars in Gaza.

Ukraine has no army. It has no conscripts to replace the fodder which is used up. In this, the Russian counter to this Kiev Terror of 2024 AD in the year of our Lord, is Moscow must extend it's operations to provide a larger extended front to Kiev, meaning they must as rapidly as possible annex the South in Odessa.

Suppression fire is what will be paramount to Moscow in it must destroy the drone production and continue the suppression of the matter of missiles from the sky.

The artillery deliveries to Ukraine are not going to be as huge, but they do not need to be as the munitions are now turning to not shelling Russian lines, but Russian civilians. There will be short burst salvos, movement or bunker cover and then more movement after Russia stops searching. This is the problem Russia has been having and as with the SAM missile which shot down the Kiev POW exchange jet, Russia is going to have to push the front further back from Russian interests. This means Russia must deliver on the offensive of their forward movements.

Considering the necessary structures for Kiev, in order to carry out terrorism, it would behoove Moscow to form a sort of Combat Engineer Drone and Demolition Air Cavalry, which would by helicopter descend on an area and demolish all infrastructure before being ferried back in dark operations. There would be risk, but this is the only means of dealing with terror in destroying all the ramparts as thee Americans did with the Indian terrorists of the 1800's.

This will be thee most cost effective measure in implementing a programme in which Kiev can not move anywhere freely for 10 miles before an impediment arises.

Otherwise Russia will bleed money and blood in the kind of drone terror which is being applied in 2024 AD in the year of our Lord.

Dec 20, 2023 ... Kyiv plans to produce a million FPV (first-person-view) drones, widely in demand on the front line, and more than 11000 medium- and ...

Nuff Said
