Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Water on Tap

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As I post this on December 1st, Henry Kissinger has been listed as dead for two days. I wonder how much I suspect will happen is about to happen. We have all learned a great deal by now in this end of January.

The comment on this is short and to the point.

Meet you on the other side

For decades, Kissinger was a leading member of the Bilderberg Group, a shadowy secret society that pushed globalism and open borders.

However, just last month, in what may have been his final televised interview, Kissinger sounded a warning for the west.

“It was a grave mistake to let in so many people of totally different culture and religion and concepts,” he told Politico, referring to Germany.

The former Secretary of State noted that mass migration, “creates a pressure group inside each country that does that.”

These invaders were put into motion by Birther Hussein Obama. It went unchecked under Trump and wholesale under Biden in America, but there are just as many conspirators in Europe, from Frau Merkel to the Scholtz or whatever his name is.

These invaders were brought in to destabilize and create shortages, competitors. As I type this, a new phase is in the offing, for when the crackdown comes, it will be these invaders which will be the "excuse", but the real focus will be linking to White Priv again, just as on 9 11 in Patriot Act by Bush43 went after White Priv being molested in airline ticket lines.

With so much upheaval and all of these Frank Roosevelt Jap threats the excuse will be for a more draconian police state.......probably woke military as they like shooting civilians. Just keep in mind that the entire world has changed and it is not going to be set right until Christ comes to establish Justice.

Nuff Said

