Monday, January 29, 2024

The Problem with Vax Dave

I ain't Big Mike.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have a neighbor who moved here with their family out of Washington state. They are homeschoolers and one day we were just coming out of Grandpas, he stopped and we have been neighbors ever since. He is really a good person. Loves to fish Northern Pike and has his own cannon.

We have not spoken to him in probably 2 years. This is not uncommon in the Brier as I might not have spoken to people who live not that far from us in a decade. You just wave and keep going. You are neighbors and that is what it is about.

So Dave was coming down the road this past week, there was an extended drift on the road, I stopped and I was cussing as I figured dude was going to hit me as I had pulled over and he was not slowing down. Sure enough, he hit his brakes and started sliding toward me. Thankfully Angels kept a crash from happening.

We sat and jawed about things for a half hour as he thought he might go fishing this week. His memory was good, he knew us, he was still the same friendly guy, but he had changed. Constantly when he wanted to say something to us, he would pause and it was like he could not get the thought to come out of his mouth. This is prions at work in the nervous system. It makes me sad in this has happened to him as he is one of the good people.

We have noticed a great deal of change this past year again in people here. It is like they have all gone into hibernation. Dave gave some insight to this as he said, "I get up, go to the bathroom, sit in the recliner and that is about it for me as I don't want to do anymore". This is more than the cold as it was warming up. This is something which has happened all through the Brier in people kind of move in packs to get groceries and then the highways are just devoid of traffic. It tell TL time and again it is like there was a rapture and we are all that is left.

It reminds me of that Star Trek movie where that creature embeds itself into Spock's spinal cord, liked to live in the dark and only light would kill it. It is like I live in a world of zombie who really do not make any sense. I wonder what the future will be if these people will become a mindless mob that wanders around ignorant and maybe are attracted to light or sound, but no one is there to reason with like all senility devolves to. It might be a thing in a meltdown of a world with tent laws, that pure bloods may have to put people down like you would a dying animal to be kind. Not advocating that, but something is very wrong with the vaxed community.

I see it in the asshole neighbor Keffen. I always rely on patterns. If people break patterns, then something is changed in their psychology. Keffen was always pissing around in his yard doing nothing. He went from pissing around all day looking like he was feeding cattle, to just feeding what look like hungry cows, and then disappearing back inside the house.
His wife usually texts us, but that stopped too. They are both vaxed and they never go anywhere anymore. Something is wrong with both of them. With him, he almost stops reacting to people and one day last fall we drove by and it was like an animal startled in he looked terrified. I was watching him in the rear view, and he went one way, then another for the mail, then out into the road, then back, and it was like he was lost.

The reason I bring this up about the prion brain, is there are starting to be reports of people getting dizzy, then having memory lapses, nerve pain and degrading who are vaxed. I had thought this Mad Oprah would have begun almost a year ago, but the time line of this prion which is embedding in the seems to be manufactured in the spleen or living in the gut, travels up the main nerve which gives Parkinsons and then is fraying the links from the brain command to the nerves in people.

Meet you on the other side.

Jeff & Erica - More On The BioWeapon CJD Prion
Surge And Brain Impairment Turning People Into Zombies

Jeff & Erica - The Deadly CJD Prion Cascade
And Special Guest Nurse Anne

Yes people can say all kinds of things, but I'm seeing odd things like this, along with the other COVID manifestations.

I  told TL this past month, when the mother died, we spent enough time sitting in a Hardees, mainly because there was a local group of boobs who would have coffee there and they were entertaining in listening to them. Several of them became friends. Of that group of around a dozen regular people, yes they were older, one is alive, the other looks like the vax has aged him to death. All of these people were healthy as could be expected. Yes some died before being vaxed, but the majority died in this bio weapon phase. That is allot of people who disappeared into the ground.

The one friend who we just talked to again, his wife re developed cancer, was treated and it was successful, so in all of those people, the one guy most likely received a damaged vax.

That has to be addressed as I do not know if saline was given in shots, or the reality of why things are so all over the place, in these vaxes were fragile. People are morons in the medical community. Shipping probably jiggled the DNA and destroyed it. Some people got a shot into the blood stream, some into tissue, so the blood infected people faster while the tissue is a delayed reaction.
What we are witnessing is a constant in damaged DNA is producing a set of disease as it replicates and prions are producing another set group. It depends on how stupid your doctor was in handling the vax and where they put it. My brother went tits up in 2 weeks after the booster and he must have gotten it into the blood stream and it was over fast. Others in two of my cousins who had cancer, redeveloped and died the next year after  my brother. Some distant assholes, brothers, one brain bled and stroked out while his brother got plumbing cancer 4 years out.

So these COVID manifestations are following a pattern of pre condition, already existing death susceptibility, where it was injected into the body, and age is now producing a factor group, in this started picking off older people and has in year 4 of this vax moving into young people with cancers and brain ailments.

I know we have had some awful HAARP weather, but our parking lots are in the 1/3rd full in the main shopping areas here. People just have disappeared and I believe it is vax brain and that 5 G effect. In going to town, we met 3 vehicles, allot more coming home in a pack which included delivery people, but two were oldsters who looked like they were dead and 1 was a kid with a big angry black pick up. Yes there is a great deal of vax rage and it is allot like Dave's brain clutching, in I drive slow for a reason, and these people run up on my bumper, then it is like they can not make up their minds to pass, so they hang on me for miles and then just floor it going around in emotion. There simply is something not connecting in the human brain anymore in these vaxed people.

The age group currently in the Brier which is dying, as recorded by two morticians is mostly in the 70 plus range as people live a long time around here. There are a few 60's appearing, but the GEN deaths are not manifesting. This is a cull of the aged still taking place.

I know the Deagel projections were a large population disappearing in Europe and America by 2025 AD in the year of our Lord. I'm not seeing it yet in the evil people I want dead, but I do see manifestations of  things wrong in numbers of people which were not there previously. It is the point though that in 2024 AD in the year of our Lord, there is enough of a manifestation of brain dysfunction that is it noticeable.

To put this candidly, we have noticed that more kind Christian people do seem to have recovered a great deal, but the caveat is, allot of nice people we know have died, while allot of assholes are still alive. That means this vax has a slower curve in evil people than good people. The evil people are still going down hill, but it is a less of an incline.

As an outlier, I have noticed that people who are the motorcycle riding group, seem to be culled a bit quicker too. Something in the psychology.

This would all be easier to deal with if more evil people were dying so I could celebrate their removal. As it is, I just watch good people degrading and it bothers me as I can't talk to them about it as you don't tell people, "Hey I can see by the way you look, you have vax broken DNA or prion, and are in the process of dying".

Perhaps God will remedy this soon enough, at least Deagel is saying the good times are ahead for the floor show.

Nuff Said
