Sunday, January 28, 2024

The Rewiring by Shungite

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I desired to keep a continued record of Shungite since we first featured it here, and this comment came from my cousin and it was not solicited. It matched a great deal though of our experiences.

I most of the time forget taking the small sphere along I have. Granted we have been HAARP homebound for most of a month, but even before that  I was not getting drained, nor was TL. I think that this stuff rewired our DNA so it is not spiking all the time off of EMF. In time we probably would rewire on EMF but in small exposures of several hours, I do not notice anything now. Everything feels right.

I ordered some shungite from the link you sent me.  I sleep with one rock inside my pillowcase, wear another in my work badge holder, and one in my living room by the TV.  I feel better in more positive energy, not as tired, and sleep well.  I’ve always been a good sleeper though.

I still try and put it on a pillow over my head to help with my sinus and ESP cleansing and I can feel it there, but not as much. That is about the only place on my body where the Shungite has a noted pulling effect yet like before. I sleep with this under my pillow.

So people will know what we have. We have the 4 larger spheres, the 9 cm's I think, that form a sort of diamond shape in the house. 3 are in the living room by the electronics and the one is in the bedroom where we sleep. We have two small spheres. There is a larger one we invested in, as I do think quantity or mass is beneficial, but I do think smaller ones grouped will provide the same, without testing. I would love to have a 55 gallon barrel of the stuff in small chunks, and would believe it would do the same thing.

I never would have believed this, if not experiencing things, and having heard from others like results, it is something that never wears out, as some sites sell electronics and I do not see the point if these rocks are naturally aligning things that demonic technology is rewiring humans incorrectly with in their DNA.

I know if Shungite were here locally, I would be out collecting it and putting it into everything from concrete walls to under my bed in a slab. This stuff has worked wonders for us.

Maybe things settle out more, donations come in, I can focus more on what I was doing before I got sidetracked, as we move to building our sky healer.

Nuff Said
