Friday, February 2, 2024

90 Proof

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is going to be a repeat of the Prophecy of the Word of the Lord to the Prophet Amos in which 90% of the people who are the offspring of the Lost 10 will die.

This is not a long term wait.

I did inquire one aspect concerning the evaders They are not going to replace the erased. 100% of them will die.

I did not inquire the means of this Prophecy being fulfilled again. The last time it was war slaughter by the Assyrian Germans. I doubt that is the source this time.

There is going to be a stench in the Western world.

While the fearful will focus on this event, they will not stop to consider the liberation as there is not going to be any District of Crime to afflict the people.

I was just given this verse and I bless the Lord for it's completion. He will carry out His Word. It is about time the evil be cleansed by God, so the Protestant Christian can continue on their Peaceful Way to the Lord's return.

This is most certainly true. Amen and Amen

I have no fears of death. The scent of death is perfume to the Righteous as it is the nectar of God's Judgment on evil.

Nuff Said


agtG 239