Saturday, February 3, 2024

Ghosts of Sheffield

The USS Gravely used its Close-In Weapon System (CIWS) to down the missile, the first time this automated machine gun designed for close-range intercepts has been employed since the US started intercepting Houthi missiles last year.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In analysis of the hype of an Iranian missile getting through the Aegis defenses of a US destroyer, no one is stating the reality, in how did this missile get through to the last line of defense.

The Lame Cherry will analyze and explain.

In response to the incident, a US official clarified that the failure to intercept the missile sooner does not suggest an increase in the sophistication of Houthi attacks. The Houthis continue to launch missiles and drones at vessels in the Red Sea, with additional reports indicating their preparation for a surface-to-air missile launch posing a threat to US aircraft.

Details have only just emerged late in the week based on the accounts of several US defense officials. Presumably other longer range anti-air defenses failed as the missile was inbound close the ship. CNN describes:

In the past, these missiles have been intercepted by US destroyers in the area at a range of eight miles or more, the officials said. But the USS Gravely had to use its Close-In Weapon System (CIWS) for the first time since the US began intercepting the Houthi missiles late last year, which ultimately succeeded in downing the missile, officials said.

The CIWS, an automated machine gun designed for close-range intercepts, is one of the final defensive lines the ship has to shoot down an incoming missile when other layers of defense have failed to intercept it.

In short, what the Yemeni succeeded at is what Russia and Hamas have been successful at, and that is the Houthi overloaded the US system with too many drones and missiles. In short what happened on the destroyer is it ran out of missiles.

Here is the magazine of this class of destoyer.

Most of these missiles are not designed for shooting down incoming missiles, some are very expensive and large, so they would not be used against drones. In short the Mk 41 with 96 missiles.  This may sound like allot of missiles, but they are going through these like kids through candy in shooting at drones and the more important anti ship missiles.

So you comprehend what is taking place in the Red Sea, this is a testing ground by Russia and China, via Iran, using the Yemeni against US systems. The red line was achieved after a month of US patrols, in the Phalanx had to be activated as the missiles had all been used up.

The Phalanx was created by DARPA in the 1980's due to the British Falkland invasion against Argentina, where Argentina had deployed the French Exocet missile on their fighter jets. The Exocet hit the Sheffield a shitty light ship the British deploy and almost sunk it. DARPA created a gattling cannon which was automated to shoot down missiles. This is what saved the Aegis destroyer as it was out of missiles.

The Phalanx carries a 1550 round magazine and fires in 100 round bursts at target, again these targets are moving and are within 15 seconds of hitting the ship. These are airborne support systems.

At 3000 rounds per minute, one can do the math to understand that Phalanx is operational only for 30 seconds, if it was overwhelmed. It points in ONE direction that is the vulnerable spot.

As the Lame Cherry noted, everyone is watching what is happening in the Red Sea. China has ships in the area which are recording every attack and response as is Russia in it's platforms. What is known now is the duration of the defense system of missiles before the last line activates. In simple protections, if the Houthi had fired 4 more anti ship missiles, coordinated from different angles they would have bagged an Aegis destroyer.

The vulnerability for the Iranian design is that it s a flat top missile, meaning it runs the waves in. The same is true with the Phalanx in it is not a vertical system. The vulnerability as Russia has discovered is vertical attacks on American systems at high speeds.

Iran produces a hypersonic at vertical, overloads the RIM 162 system and these dinosaur ships are floor litter on the sea. Iran has the connections, and the tehnology provided it from Moscow. to produce this result.

Russia and China are now educated how to defeat the Aegis system and will deploy for that situation.

In examining this from a White Paper analysis as this what this is all about in examining systems, the warning is not the vulnerable nature of obsolete American systems, as Iranian proxies are very much available outside the Mideast for retaliation. The projection on this is the proxies have a non defended position which would benefit Russia, Iran and Saudi Arabia which just cut oil protection output, and that is the Gulf fields off of Mexico. Neutralizing them would inlfate oil prices, produce a political effect that Bidencon could not overcome even with election theft in November 2024 and provide piles of more revenue for the Russians and Iranians. Soft targets are what bin Laden's CIA backed group focused upon. 

Shoot at these people in the Mideast and kill their camels and head turban heads, and they will respond with the soft targets as the Pentagon is blowing up camels and the media is wowing about a Phalanx being activated and not examining what caused it to be activated as the last resort.

Nuff Said
