Tuesday, February 6, 2024

American Gaza


I can't enforce the law as I'm a helpless woman who doesn't even own a gun,
have a state police, national guard.........I don't even know these people seated by me.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Dean Henderson who frequents Rense, often enough rants about the pedophile promoter of South Dakota in Governor Kristi Noem. (Noem allowed her state to be taken over by oligarchs in a billionaire  Denny Sanford in the medical industry who promotes this transgender rape of children.)
Noem though inherited a legacy of the Rape of South Dakota as this blog has reported in Mike Rounds, now US Senator, sold South Dakota to the Chinese communists in the slaughterhouse industry. Dennis Daugaard, another Governor of the Rounds sphere, was an Obamite anti gun crank socialist.

These are all "Republicans" and as Pinko as Biden's red states are as there is nothing Reagan Blue about any of them.

It is why this blog supports Donald Trump picking this skirt as VP, as that will free South Dakotan from this genderbender Noem.

Read the Noem quote and the Lame Cherry will fill you in on the facts.

South Dakota is directly affected by this invasion. We are affected by cartel presence on our tribal reservations; by the spread of drugs and human trafficking throughout our communities; and by the drain on our resources at the local, state, and federal level.

And now, the sheer number of illegal migrants coming into the country has made it so that every state is now a border state. This isn’t just an issue for Texas and other states along the border. This is an issue for every American.

Wow, amazing, that South Dakota which is importing thousands of illegals for slave labor is finding out that it's Indian reservations are the federal base for the drug trade. Yes the feds protect and promote all of this as Obama set this up for his cronies and why Chicago is running with blood  as Obama decentralized power to increase dope profits. So there is continual drug wars taking place.

Now here is the kicker, in South Dakota, Kristi Noem has ordered her State Police to NOT ARREST MEXICANS as it interferes with slave labor. I know for a fact that South Dakota is getting hedgefund queer billionaire money dumps in key industries, so they are taking over county seats, building Noem ghetto apartment housing and changing South Dakota to a 3rd world shit hole. THIS IS KRISTI NOEM IN ACTION.

Mexicans in South Dakota drive without licenses, without insurance, and if they run stop signs and  murder babies they run over, Noem's State Police will not arrest the Mexicans for manslaughter. Kristi Noem was allowed to get out of Washington DC to turn her state over to the oligarchs. She can be featured in Red State warning about dope cartels, but this is her Goddamn doing with the rest of these fraud GOPliters which are devouring America.

For the facts on the cartels, and this is pure irony, as Noem was all about child trafficking and signs litter the billboards in South Dakota over this human traffick, is that Mexicans have for years been going to the Sioux Indian reservations and fucking the meth head squaws, getting them pregnant and these children disappear and are never seen again. No one honestly knows where these babies are going, but this has been a constant in the federal reservations which have always been platforms for CIA, FBI and other global criminal platforms of organized crime. Noem can warn about the Mexican cartels, but she is the one who was in charge when this entire situation has exploded to a national emergency. This is her doing in this entire money pipeline that is Bidencon in cash cards from WHO and other groups and agencies, where select stores get to cash in these cards for Mexicans and  others in this money pumping into the United States to prop up the fake economy. Only the Lame Cherry has covered this reality.

Noem's department of revenue has for years been telling businesses who contact them about illegals and known fake Social Security numbers, "As long as they have a number, don't ask questions, just hire them and keep your mouth shut".  That is Kristi Noem and her chosen entourage. It is why this blog has warned all of you that it makes no difference from that Gimp in Texas. DeSantis in Flordia, Dewine in Ohio or whatever other shit is out there calling itself GOP, they are in place by the oligarchs and are destroying what were Christian Protestant States to these shit holes.

For Noem to be sounding the alarm now, is not to be Trump's skirt alone. South Dakota is unsafe and getting worse by the day like all these states are in this Union as the criminals now that they have a human base of foreigners are in full force in this organization and Noem has lost control, and there is not one fucking thing she can do about it a the reservations are federal and this is Obama Inc. protected commerce.

Yes we are diverted in the Open Borders of Texas, but America is full of open borders in the rez system, and that is the real threat in Noem never enforce any laws and the FBI with Homeland are protecting the criminal syndicates which Noem can blame Mexicans for, but that Goddamn money is flowing into Chicago and New York finance, and that is not Mexicans who run that kosher till.

I had thought that South Dakota a hope for America. It was though McGovern, Daschle and Johnson already corrupted in International Socialism. Their GOPliters are all frauds who say the right things but are leftist whores.  When I was naive and in politics I helped Noem rise to national power, but what she is, is just another Mitt Romney cum in what Mike Rounds is, and Daugaard was the ball sack sweat of Obama community organized.

South Dakota is not being taken over, it is already overthrown by the oligarchs, police state criminal management of cartels and by Kristi Noem herself has been making war on the poor workers of South Dakota who are self employed in her King John tax state.

What Trump did with his oligarch tax kickbacks is what Noem and her entourage have implemented against the People of her State, same shit that is going on in every Republican State in this diversion of blame the cartels. But innocent Kristi Noem can not do a thing about it........with all the firepower of her own state police, being the commander in chief of her national guard, in she could secure her borders on the reservations but instead sends her weekend warriors to Texas as more fake enforcement.

Those are the facts of Kristi Noem in she is the prototype of all these GOPliters that people trusted and all they are is the extensions of the Obama Inc. community organized crime.

“Murders are being committed by cartel members on the Pine Ridge reservation and in Rapid City, and a gang called the ‘Ghost Dancers’ are affiliated with these cartels,” Noem said. “They have been successful in recruiting tribal members to join their criminal activity. On the other side of the state, there is documented evidence of cartel activities on the Sisseton Wahpeton reservation and others.”

One Democratic representative, Peri Pourier who represents Pine Ridge, immediately took the second-term Republican governor to task.

“To use the disadvantagement of Lakota people to further her national-level ambitions is appalling,” Pourier told the Argus Leader on Wednesday. “To throw Pine Ridge underneath the bus, to create misinformation that there’s a gang called Ghost Dancers that is an affront in our spiritual beliefs, that is an affront to who we are as Lakota people.”

The Ghost Dancers are a sect of the Bandidos, an outlaw motorcycle gang with ties to Mexican cartels.

South Dakota has been the home turf of the Bandidos for decades and South Dakota Govenors and federal authorities never did a thing to thwart them even as they ran stripper bars in Rapid City.

What happens when Noem's policies of no law enforcement on Mexicans, meets Dictator Biden's bombing of Hezbollah and the Mexican cartels overflowing with Afghanistan abandoned firepower, start lobbing missiles at the South Dakota nuclear Air Force Base?

How long before American Gaza is a reality in every state?

Nuff Said

Nuff Said
