Tuesday, February 6, 2024

The World War IV Flashpoint

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Things amuse me in what people ponder and come up with in wondering what will be the  Archduke Franz Ferdinand moment for World War IV.

You can read Kevin Barrett's ticking off events that might happen, fortunately for you, I have been at this awhile, and as the internet is almost cleansed of the original data, a popular girl copied it all to email files and if you want to know what the Bavarian Seer was telling the world in 1950.......remember now events are generating now which sound a great deal like this will happen............but meet you on the other side after you read Barrett's writings quoted and the link for his whole piece.

Flashpoints for War!
Where will WW3's "Archduke Ferdinand moment" happen?

Imagine: It’s October 2024. Trump is leading in the polls 55%-45% nationwide, with a clear edge in all the swing states. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a drone swoops down on Mar-a-Lago, smashes through a plate glass window like a supermosquito on steroids, and stings Trump with its explosive charge just as he’s breaking open his seventh can of diet coke. (Cinematographically, we cut from a close-up of the pssssssst as Trump opens the can to a medium shot of the almost simultaneous explosion.)

Fortunately, almost before what is left of Trump is declared dead, the media tells us who did it. A radical Iranian-Palestinian terrorist named Lee Harvey Atta is arrested on the seventh floor of the Palm Beach School Book Depository and accidentally defenestrated before he can be questioned. 

I will only post the quote in how all of this starts according to the Seer, not the entire explanation. I saved this from a site in 2004 AD in the year of our Lord and it is gone, like almost every mention of these events as it has all been sanitized from the original script.

So in Lame Cherry exclusive, here is Alois seeing what is our coming present.

Prophecies of Alois Irlamier, the German seer (interviewed in the 1950s)

Everything calls peace. Schalom! Then it will occur -- a new Middle East war suddenly flares up, big naval forces are facing hostility in the Mediterranean -- the situation is strained. But the actual firing spark is set on fire in the Balkans: I see a 'large one' falling, a bloody dagger lies beside him -- then impact is on impact.

Two men kill a third high-ranked. They were paid by other people. One of the murderers is a small black man, the other a little bit taller, with bright-coloured hair. I think it will be at the Balkans, but I cannot say it exactly.

After the murder of the third it starts overnight. I see quite clearly three numbers, two eights and a nine. But I cannot say what it means and cannot state a time. The war begins at sunrise.

I had thought that the time line had overrun and changed a decade ago, but as events have once again come to horizon points, all of this is starting to appear that they are focal points of the end time, time line.

Yes it is the Balkans in what was witnessed over 70 years ago.

Aren't you glad I was saving things for the future while you were doing porn.

Nuff Said
