Thursday, February 22, 2024

Great Game Moscow

Bwana Putin, unaibeba NATO bila risasi!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The cat and mouse game of Russia in Ukraine is again creeping forward with another Kiev disaster which can be summed up by:

The Dwarf Zellinskyy sacked his army chief.

Zellinskky installed a new warlord and on orders sent in reinforcements to a stronghold called, Avdeevka, that the Russians had surrounded on 3 sides.

Three days later, Russia had taken the city and the Kiev Nazis were in full chaotic retreat to new positions to which this headline appeared.

Ukes Lost Another 1,500 Dead In Avdeevka
- Russian Defense Ministry

That seems to be about half the Ukrainian soldiers in the city.

The Russian numbers are correct as Russia has the corpses.

Ukraine has nothing but terrorism left as this blog stated. This blog predicted that by end of December 2023 AD in the year of our Lord, that the Kiev military would cease as a fighting force. All has now come to fruition.

Russia though is not sitting still. They are already advancing as Kiev has no air defense. Russia will not allow the Kiev forces to dig in or secure a position. There is heavy fighting taking place in rear guard actions, but the Russians will continue to advance, as this is part of the spring offensive.

The end game of this for Russia is as this blog noted in the Carlson Putin interview and why Russia is chumming the NATO waters, meaning, Russia is bargaining now in ending Ukraine, where Russia retakes the lion's share, but bestows upon Romania, Hungary and Poland, their historical lands which were seized. Huge sticking point for these nations in they want their lands back.

According to Putin, any talk of Ukraine’s independence started only in the 19th century. The country was formed by Soviet authorities after the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, he explained. After World War II, Ukraine had received a lot of territory from its neighbors, making it an “artificial state,” he added.

Russia will keep pounding this unpopular war, growing more unpopular in Europe, for the reason, it is the English behind this, the Germans and French who want to use the Slavs as fodder, and the Slavs of Hungary, Romania and Poland, now considering they are going to get a huge territory back if they break  with NATO which they will.

The last of this as this blog exposed is Mr. Putin as arbitrator will hand over to Germany, their Prussian lands given to Poland by DC, London, Paris and Moscow after the last world war. Poland will not be able to stop this, and this is what the Germans will want, as they will say Poland received part of Ukraine.

This is the Great Game Moscow. The cartel set this up to cripple Russia, but Russia grew stronger in this cartel gambit to bring down America. Moscow is maneuvered to the reality that it will achieve without war, providing it stays at home, the end of America in NATO or at least the shattering of NATO east with Russia gaining security agreements with Poland, Hungary, those Baltic states, Romania, Bulgaria and Serbia, to end up on Germany and France's borders.

I fully expect a new leader to emerge, speaking for a new community in Europe, who will reach agreement with Moscow for the above,  as NATO is a platform in name only in the Lost 10 being  the members hiding behind American WMD's in a fractured America, erased and replaced.

Nuff Said
