As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry is going to preface this with, Nancy Reagan was a mother that needed to whip her children into line. Jane Wyman turned out a much better child and regrettably Maureen died. Michael has just been a problem establishment troll.
In stating that, I actually find Ron Reagan jr., a charming, gifted and personable liberal, who let America down in not submitting to the wisdom of his father. If he had, America would not be the woke shit hole it is, being pulled down, and Armageddon is the only thing that is going to sort things out. Junior Reagan would have made an equal to Vladimir Putin on the global stage.
Nancy should have beat his ass when he tried to be a ballerina, packed him off to a ranch like that whore Jackie Kennedy did to John John, and exposed him to men.
As far as Patti, like all Californians she thinks she knows more than she does than everyone else.
This brings us to a statement by Patti Reagan which will be exploited to usurp Joe Biden who had the election stolen for him and should not even be occupying the White House.
Reagan’s Daughter Says Its 'A Good Idea’
To Give Cognitive Tests To Presidents
I could not disagree more with Patti Reagan on cognitive tests, as who decides what is cognitive? Will it then become a litmus test against Christians or if you do not know the Mayor of Moscow, will you be booted out by political intrigue? You know that is the shit which will arise.
Here is a Lame Cherry suggestion. How about all of us GROW THE FUCK UP. How about we be responsible for the shit that happens in America, and we stop standing around condoning Birther Obama the dual subject of Indonesia and England. How about we start enforcing laws against traitors who hid Joe Biden in the basement to get rid of Trump and the media and politicians on both sides, installed this half wit, as the FBI was allowed along with the DOJ to be weaponized against Americans who do not want their country handed over to international finance and invasion.
How about we start replying to ENFORCE THE LAWS ON THE BOOKS, instead of going Patti Reagan in we need another layer of excuses because we are such a people that was trusting, that we allowed our military, police and taxes to be weaponized against us, and this is all so big now that we can not do a thing about it, but go asstard and think, "Yeah if we just could make Joe Biden take a test all our problems will be solved".
If you think that, then you need a cognitive test in being a worse half wit than Biden. America had all the checks in place to protect from Joe Biden........and they were all thwarted. A test for Biden would mean nothing as they would cheat to keep him in office in the people who installed him want this half wit in there.
Laws do not mean jack or shit, when you have nothing but shit covered treacherous jackasses not caring about all that America is, to uphold the laws already there. You have to have people who have the law in their hearts along with the quality of mercy to have a people who can and will govern themselves.
I can tell you, as Americans are intelligent in not wanting to be shot or jailed in being framed that they are quite adept at policing themselves. The problem is not the 99% of Americans who do have self control. The problem is the 1% who have rigged this system against Americans and for them.
So let us not be diverted again by a Patti Reagan, who is a half wit in proof, in being a dupe again speaking out, reminding everyone what the people who have pulled down her father's legacy, by saying he was someone who should have been driven from office for being senile. Ronald Reagan was just fine when he was set up unknowingly by that Howard Baker to get rid of him, and Ronald Reagan was just fine after he left office. His problem arose when that damn Mexican put him on a wild horse, and he took a blow to the head in being bucked off. That injury which was treated, began the process of his mental decline."
Yet Patti Reagan, enters again as the whore of the political pimps to speak out on something which she should keep her mouth shut. That is problem with all of these women. Not a damn one of them has the Betsy Ross courage to stand up, and march on Sacramento which has caused all the problems in the Untied States from inflation, invasion to perversion, in demanding responsibility. None of these creatures of comfort at our expense will get themselves arrested or shot like Ashli Babbitt for America. They are too busy urging others to give their lives for their country as their lives are too precious to waste on America.
So NO, we do not need another safety catch for Americans not being adults. Who the hell wants Kamala Harris in power, even the Obama's put that dupe there to make sure she would be gone when they moved into power again. She already is disqualified in being not native born, and there she sits in another liberal layer of thwarting US laws, so who is going to enforce that test Patti Reagan? It sure as hell is not you as you milk the fame of your dead parent one more time to validate your pathetic self.
I have told you what the prudent Protestant Christian does in this farce. You do not make yourself a target. You observe the laws. Pay your taxes, and even the most shit for brains who read this blog can even see that the prediction this blog made that there will be bigger dogs who will appear to challenged this thug state, have now appeared in the Asians, led by Putin. The astute waits for these peoples contending for their lives and power, to do the proxy work which none of us can as we would all be Jan6 dead or in jail.
How I miss Maureen Reagan. How I would that Ron jr. would overcome himself and rise up to be the leader America needs. None of that can be changed, but we do not need another farce of how to get rid of a President, when the same fraud elections will just install more political whores from the pimps that which ended the Republic and gave us this shit hole.
Nuff Said